Party submits petition to ban GMO

The Greens of Serbia representatives submitted a petition to the Serbian parliament, requesting ban of genetically modified food.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 26.10.2011.


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The Greens of Serbia representatives submitted a petition to the Serbian parliament, requesting ban of genetically modified food. They also submitted a draft law banning genetically modified organisms (GMO). Party submits petition to ban GMO “With the petition, which was signed by more than 35,000 citizens, the Greens of Serbia request that the state support the ban of production, import, use and sale of GMO,” Greens of Serbia leader Ivan Karic told reporters. He stressed that their goal was not to halt development of the scientific and research work because research needed to be done and medicine had the need for GMO. “We believe that Serbia is a country of extraordinary natural resources and agrarian potentials and that there is no need to produce genetically modified food,” Karic pointed out and added that the use of GMO had negative effects on people’s health and jeopardized natural diversity. Research has showed that negative effects of the use of the genetically modified food, such as allergies and toxic manifestations in the human organism, could even affect the third generation, he underscored. The Greens of Serbia leader stressed that the initiative to ban GMO had nothing to do with the party and that it was not a political campaign, but only a civil initiative for the wellbeing of all the Serbian citizens. According to Karic, the existing law on GMO is not being implemented at all and there are no by-laws, which leaves the door wide open for the genetically modified products. Greens of Serbia activist (Beta)

Party submits petition to ban GMO

“With the petition, which was signed by more than 35,000 citizens, the Greens of Serbia request that the state support the ban of production, import, use and sale of GMO,” Greens of Serbia leader Ivan Karić told reporters.

He stressed that their goal was not to halt development of the scientific and research work because research needed to be done and medicine had the need for GMO.

“We believe that Serbia is a country of extraordinary natural resources and agrarian potentials and that there is no need to produce genetically modified food,” Karić pointed out and added that the use of GMO had negative effects on people’s health and jeopardized natural diversity.

Research has showed that negative effects of the use of the genetically modified food, such as allergies and toxic manifestations in the human organism, could even affect the third generation, he underscored.

The Greens of Serbia leader stressed that the initiative to ban GMO had nothing to do with the party and that it was not a political campaign, but only a civil initiative for the wellbeing of all the Serbian citizens.

According to Karić, the existing law on GMO is not being implemented at all and there are no by-laws, which leaves the door wide open for the genetically modified products.

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