Wednesday, 26.10.2011.


Party submits petition to ban GMO

The Greens of Serbia representatives submitted a petition to the Serbian parliament, requesting ban of genetically modified food.

Izvor: Tanjug

Party submits petition to ban GMO IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

Zoran the fact that we have more pesticides in our food these days is a direct result of intensive farming and nothing to do with moving closer to the EU.

I'm not aware of any policies that Milosevic had on organic farming but I suspect your logic is simply one of assumption.

In that regard I wish to praise the promotion of organic farming under Tito, Nedic and Karadjordjevic. When we were under dictatorship we had much better food!

But let me be clear on this - I signed this petition, that doesn't mean that I should go along with ignorance on the issue.


pre 12 godina

We should be promoting organic farming instead, as was the case when Milosevic was in power. As we move closer to the EU the quality of our produce is getting worse, but still much better than most western countries. Lets keep it better and hopefully return to organic farming.


pre 12 godina

Many local farmers use pesticides nowdays. Actually Dragan if you bothered to read up on the subject you would see that there is more local produce in Europe (including EU contries that there are in the US).

Additionally the EU made attempts to regulate GM foods, but the US complained about it to the World Trade Organisation.

Its funny that the problematic aspects of the EU (lack of regulation, in the pocket of business etc) and even the structure of a United States of Europe are all fashions imported from North America.


pre 12 godina

“We believe that Serbia is a country of extraordinary natural resources and agrarian potentials and that there is no need to produce genetically modified food,” Karić pointed out and added that the use of GMO had negative effects on people’s health and jeopardized natural diversity.'

Absolutely! Eat food from local farmers, it is far better than the crap you will find at grocery stores these days. The EU would force that crap down Serbia's throat if we were ever to join. One more reason to stay out.


pre 12 godina

“We believe that Serbia is a country of extraordinary natural resources and agrarian potentials and that there is no need to produce genetically modified food,” Karić pointed out and added that the use of GMO had negative effects on people’s health and jeopardized natural diversity.'

Absolutely! Eat food from local farmers, it is far better than the crap you will find at grocery stores these days. The EU would force that crap down Serbia's throat if we were ever to join. One more reason to stay out.


pre 12 godina

We should be promoting organic farming instead, as was the case when Milosevic was in power. As we move closer to the EU the quality of our produce is getting worse, but still much better than most western countries. Lets keep it better and hopefully return to organic farming.


pre 12 godina

Many local farmers use pesticides nowdays. Actually Dragan if you bothered to read up on the subject you would see that there is more local produce in Europe (including EU contries that there are in the US).

Additionally the EU made attempts to regulate GM foods, but the US complained about it to the World Trade Organisation.

Its funny that the problematic aspects of the EU (lack of regulation, in the pocket of business etc) and even the structure of a United States of Europe are all fashions imported from North America.


pre 12 godina

Zoran the fact that we have more pesticides in our food these days is a direct result of intensive farming and nothing to do with moving closer to the EU.

I'm not aware of any policies that Milosevic had on organic farming but I suspect your logic is simply one of assumption.

In that regard I wish to praise the promotion of organic farming under Tito, Nedic and Karadjordjevic. When we were under dictatorship we had much better food!

But let me be clear on this - I signed this petition, that doesn't mean that I should go along with ignorance on the issue.


pre 12 godina

Many local farmers use pesticides nowdays. Actually Dragan if you bothered to read up on the subject you would see that there is more local produce in Europe (including EU contries that there are in the US).

Additionally the EU made attempts to regulate GM foods, but the US complained about it to the World Trade Organisation.

Its funny that the problematic aspects of the EU (lack of regulation, in the pocket of business etc) and even the structure of a United States of Europe are all fashions imported from North America.


pre 12 godina

“We believe that Serbia is a country of extraordinary natural resources and agrarian potentials and that there is no need to produce genetically modified food,” Karić pointed out and added that the use of GMO had negative effects on people’s health and jeopardized natural diversity.'

Absolutely! Eat food from local farmers, it is far better than the crap you will find at grocery stores these days. The EU would force that crap down Serbia's throat if we were ever to join. One more reason to stay out.


pre 12 godina

We should be promoting organic farming instead, as was the case when Milosevic was in power. As we move closer to the EU the quality of our produce is getting worse, but still much better than most western countries. Lets keep it better and hopefully return to organic farming.


pre 12 godina

Zoran the fact that we have more pesticides in our food these days is a direct result of intensive farming and nothing to do with moving closer to the EU.

I'm not aware of any policies that Milosevic had on organic farming but I suspect your logic is simply one of assumption.

In that regard I wish to praise the promotion of organic farming under Tito, Nedic and Karadjordjevic. When we were under dictatorship we had much better food!

But let me be clear on this - I signed this petition, that doesn't mean that I should go along with ignorance on the issue.