Serbian arrested with 24.5 kilos of heroin

Slovenian customs workers arrested a man carrying a Serbian passport and seized 24.5 kilograms of heroin in his Austrian license plates car.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 04.11.2009.


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Slovenian customs workers arrested a man carrying a Serbian passport and seized 24.5 kilograms of heroin in his Austrian license plates car. The identity of the man detained on Tuesday at the border crossing of Gruskovje, between Slovenia and Austria, has not been disclosed. Serbian arrested with 24.5 kilos of heroin The drugs were found hidden in several places in the vehicle, police and customs in the town of Maribor said. The street value of the narcotics, most likely meant for the Austrian market, has been evaluated at EUR 1.3mn.

Serbian arrested with 24.5 kilos of heroin

The drugs were found hidden in several places in the vehicle, police and customs in the town of Maribor said.

The street value of the narcotics, most likely meant for the Austrian market, has been evaluated at EUR 1.3mn.

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