Wednesday, 04.11.2009.


Serbian arrested with 24.5 kilos of heroin

Slovenian customs workers arrested a man carrying a Serbian passport and seized 24.5 kilograms of heroin in his Austrian license plates car.

Izvor: Tanjug

Serbian arrested with 24.5 kilos of heroin IMAGE SOURCE

24 Komentari

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Mr Rae

pre 14 godina

Wow. There is an order of magnitude more in the opinion forum that in the original article. Much of this thread isn't worth the bits and bytes to store it.
Back to constructive comments please people. This forum does have an ability to provide interesting points of view and clarify the overall picture, but the sort of trash in this thread should be an embarrassment to us all; I’m included for reading it.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

24.5 kilos of heroin is a drop in the serbian bucket.
(KOSOVARi, 4 November 2009 21:04)

But think about your fellow citizens in switzerland, they'll be dry now....


pre 14 godina

This news is a hit to the ironies of many in our days.

The arguments that Albanians are the terrorist, the drug dealers and sex traders has filled websites and publications from certain groups of people. But this among many others is proving their ironies to be just wrong.

Drugs are an expensive market attracting people from different places, different ethnic groups and religious backgrounds to join in. So, there is nonsense to point the finger at certain people as being the cause of all problems. We all contribute, although not equally to the mess of our world.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...
(max, 4 November 2009 18:25)

Waoo, am travelling in out of Serbia with longer stays for the last 5 years and that never happened to me, so either I do not have the profile of a drug taker and you have it or we have not been at the same places....

But, one thing I can tell you, in Lausanne and Geneva, you don't have to have the profile, they are everywhere, would however not mention where from they usually are....

In Amsterdam, whether you have the profile or not, you can't move 10 meters without being asked for...

So, the moral of the story, from wherever they are, whoever they are, they don't deserve to hunt our streets, so instead of arguing who is hiding behind a passport, just try to give credit for the one who are fighting this expending deseases!!!


pre 14 godina

"Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?"

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...


pre 14 godina

What - impossible! I thought always that only albanians are drug-dealers in Europe. It must be an ethnic Albanian with serbian passport.

Dont irrtated the serbian people with this contradict new, they know from serbian government and media that only Albanians are drug-dealers.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?
(Radoslav, 4 November 2009 14:33)

No we are not, because it is not the "ethnic group" who sells drugs, and commits crime but the poverty. One does not have to be a genious to figure this out. Second, Serbs do not fall far behind in crime rate, in fact statistically you are way ahead. Albanans might trade drugs, but they do no kill and slaughter people at will and dump them in a mass grave.

Just like italians were well known for their mafia affairs years ago, albanians are experiencing the same thing. What you don't say is the billions they produce and contribute through hard work and talent. Check the TV shows of Italy, symphonic orchestras, opera halls etc full of Albanin talents, check the work force of Greece where albanians are rated 3 years in the row as the most productive workforce of that country.

Now I wonder, as an ethnic group aren't you ashamed when your members, mostly ex-leaders are being accused of genocide in the heart of Europe in the 20th century, when your leaders are labeled as "The Butcher of the Balkans" when your mafia guns down your prime minister in the heart of Belgrade, when you are well known as mass grave diggers?

So please do not through stones from your glass house.


pre 14 godina

Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?


pre 14 godina


I admire your ability to unashamedly write such posts, when just few days ago serbs were arrested for involvment in smuggling TONS of drugs and dozens were arrested for general drug smuggling.

Then again, we both know you don't actually believe what you write and the sole purpose of your comments is to irritate or cause a reaction - which I guess you have achieved (a reaction i mean.....no irritation - in fact amusement)


pre 14 godina

Who cares from where he is, he was arrested and this is the most important!!
Goor job from the police
(The Swiss, 4 November 2009 15:48)

Indeed. Give him 20 years in prison, whoever he is.


pre 14 godina

Nicely done!

http://www.europol.europa.eu/index.asp?page=publications&language EUROPOL's 'European Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) 2009 report tells us who is behind this traffik. No prizes for guessing!


pre 14 godina

Nothing is known, but the Balkan War or Words is already in full swing.
Last year some Chinese and some Gypsies with Serbian passports were locked up for similar offenses. Plus Ukrainians, Serbs, Albanians. So what.


pre 14 godina

The article is a bit misleading due to the headline. If you read further it says a man carrying a SERBIAN passport.

Obviously an albanian, kosovar, whatever they're called today using our country on a smear campaign.

We all know it's one of the two mentioned above....


pre 14 godina

The Slovenians can't stand Serbs (or Croats for that matter) so I'm sure they would have said they had caught a Serb, not that they had caught someone using a Serb passport. So I state again, it's 99.999% likely to be an Albanian. Plus the fact that it's known throughout Europe that the Albanian part of Kosovo and Albania proper are the most popular and heavily used routes for drug smuggling into Europe, so it makes sense that the people transporting this rubbish are Albanian.

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?

Dragan, Toronto

pre 14 godina

It doesn't matter what nationality of the perpetrator is, when it comes to Heroin. Follow the path...it flows like this:
From the fields of Afghanistan down the green lane through the Balkans. Then, do the math and find out who the low life big dealers are selling to the little weasels who wanna make a quick buck/Euro...enough said.


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?
(Radoslav, 4 November 2009 14:33)

No we are not, because it is not the "ethnic group" who sells drugs, and commits crime but the poverty. One does not have to be a genious to figure this out. Second, Serbs do not fall far behind in crime rate, in fact statistically you are way ahead. Albanans might trade drugs, but they do no kill and slaughter people at will and dump them in a mass grave.

Just like italians were well known for their mafia affairs years ago, albanians are experiencing the same thing. What you don't say is the billions they produce and contribute through hard work and talent. Check the TV shows of Italy, symphonic orchestras, opera halls etc full of Albanin talents, check the work force of Greece where albanians are rated 3 years in the row as the most productive workforce of that country.

Now I wonder, as an ethnic group aren't you ashamed when your members, mostly ex-leaders are being accused of genocide in the heart of Europe in the 20th century, when your leaders are labeled as "The Butcher of the Balkans" when your mafia guns down your prime minister in the heart of Belgrade, when you are well known as mass grave diggers?

So please do not through stones from your glass house.

Dragan, Toronto

pre 14 godina

It doesn't matter what nationality of the perpetrator is, when it comes to Heroin. Follow the path...it flows like this:
From the fields of Afghanistan down the green lane through the Balkans. Then, do the math and find out who the low life big dealers are selling to the little weasels who wanna make a quick buck/Euro...enough said.


pre 14 godina

The Slovenians can't stand Serbs (or Croats for that matter) so I'm sure they would have said they had caught a Serb, not that they had caught someone using a Serb passport. So I state again, it's 99.999% likely to be an Albanian. Plus the fact that it's known throughout Europe that the Albanian part of Kosovo and Albania proper are the most popular and heavily used routes for drug smuggling into Europe, so it makes sense that the people transporting this rubbish are Albanian.

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?


pre 14 godina

Who cares from where he is, he was arrested and this is the most important!!
Goor job from the police
(The Swiss, 4 November 2009 15:48)

Indeed. Give him 20 years in prison, whoever he is.


pre 14 godina

The article is a bit misleading due to the headline. If you read further it says a man carrying a SERBIAN passport.

Obviously an albanian, kosovar, whatever they're called today using our country on a smear campaign.

We all know it's one of the two mentioned above....


pre 14 godina


I admire your ability to unashamedly write such posts, when just few days ago serbs were arrested for involvment in smuggling TONS of drugs and dozens were arrested for general drug smuggling.

Then again, we both know you don't actually believe what you write and the sole purpose of your comments is to irritate or cause a reaction - which I guess you have achieved (a reaction i mean.....no irritation - in fact amusement)


pre 14 godina

Nothing is known, but the Balkan War or Words is already in full swing.
Last year some Chinese and some Gypsies with Serbian passports were locked up for similar offenses. Plus Ukrainians, Serbs, Albanians. So what.


pre 14 godina

"Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?"

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...


pre 14 godina

What - impossible! I thought always that only albanians are drug-dealers in Europe. It must be an ethnic Albanian with serbian passport.

Dont irrtated the serbian people with this contradict new, they know from serbian government and media that only Albanians are drug-dealers.


pre 14 godina

Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?


pre 14 godina

This news is a hit to the ironies of many in our days.

The arguments that Albanians are the terrorist, the drug dealers and sex traders has filled websites and publications from certain groups of people. But this among many others is proving their ironies to be just wrong.

Drugs are an expensive market attracting people from different places, different ethnic groups and religious backgrounds to join in. So, there is nonsense to point the finger at certain people as being the cause of all problems. We all contribute, although not equally to the mess of our world.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...
(max, 4 November 2009 18:25)

Waoo, am travelling in out of Serbia with longer stays for the last 5 years and that never happened to me, so either I do not have the profile of a drug taker and you have it or we have not been at the same places....

But, one thing I can tell you, in Lausanne and Geneva, you don't have to have the profile, they are everywhere, would however not mention where from they usually are....

In Amsterdam, whether you have the profile or not, you can't move 10 meters without being asked for...

So, the moral of the story, from wherever they are, whoever they are, they don't deserve to hunt our streets, so instead of arguing who is hiding behind a passport, just try to give credit for the one who are fighting this expending deseases!!!


pre 14 godina

Nicely done!

http://www.europol.europa.eu/index.asp?page=publications&language EUROPOL's 'European Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) 2009 report tells us who is behind this traffik. No prizes for guessing!

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

24.5 kilos of heroin is a drop in the serbian bucket.
(KOSOVARi, 4 November 2009 21:04)

But think about your fellow citizens in switzerland, they'll be dry now....

Mr Rae

pre 14 godina

Wow. There is an order of magnitude more in the opinion forum that in the original article. Much of this thread isn't worth the bits and bytes to store it.
Back to constructive comments please people. This forum does have an ability to provide interesting points of view and clarify the overall picture, but the sort of trash in this thread should be an embarrassment to us all; I’m included for reading it.


pre 14 godina

The Slovenians can't stand Serbs (or Croats for that matter) so I'm sure they would have said they had caught a Serb, not that they had caught someone using a Serb passport. So I state again, it's 99.999% likely to be an Albanian. Plus the fact that it's known throughout Europe that the Albanian part of Kosovo and Albania proper are the most popular and heavily used routes for drug smuggling into Europe, so it makes sense that the people transporting this rubbish are Albanian.

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?


pre 14 godina

Kosovo-USA, to dream that the perpetrator is Serbian is just that - a dream. Albaninas are the biggest drug smugglers in Europe - the EU says so as well in it's annual EU report - As an ethnic group aren't you deeply ashamed for causing such misery throughout the whole continent of Europe?
(Radoslav, 4 November 2009 14:33)

No we are not, because it is not the "ethnic group" who sells drugs, and commits crime but the poverty. One does not have to be a genious to figure this out. Second, Serbs do not fall far behind in crime rate, in fact statistically you are way ahead. Albanans might trade drugs, but they do no kill and slaughter people at will and dump them in a mass grave.

Just like italians were well known for their mafia affairs years ago, albanians are experiencing the same thing. What you don't say is the billions they produce and contribute through hard work and talent. Check the TV shows of Italy, symphonic orchestras, opera halls etc full of Albanin talents, check the work force of Greece where albanians are rated 3 years in the row as the most productive workforce of that country.

Now I wonder, as an ethnic group aren't you ashamed when your members, mostly ex-leaders are being accused of genocide in the heart of Europe in the 20th century, when your leaders are labeled as "The Butcher of the Balkans" when your mafia guns down your prime minister in the heart of Belgrade, when you are well known as mass grave diggers?

So please do not through stones from your glass house.

Dragan, Toronto

pre 14 godina

It doesn't matter what nationality of the perpetrator is, when it comes to Heroin. Follow the path...it flows like this:
From the fields of Afghanistan down the green lane through the Balkans. Then, do the math and find out who the low life big dealers are selling to the little weasels who wanna make a quick buck/Euro...enough said.


pre 14 godina

The article is a bit misleading due to the headline. If you read further it says a man carrying a SERBIAN passport.

Obviously an albanian, kosovar, whatever they're called today using our country on a smear campaign.

We all know it's one of the two mentioned above....


pre 14 godina

What - impossible! I thought always that only albanians are drug-dealers in Europe. It must be an ethnic Albanian with serbian passport.

Dont irrtated the serbian people with this contradict new, they know from serbian government and media that only Albanians are drug-dealers.


pre 14 godina

"Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?"

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...


pre 14 godina

Usually when they say he had a Serbian passport means he is of some other ethnicity. I wonder which ethnic group are commonly smuggling drugs?


pre 14 godina


I admire your ability to unashamedly write such posts, when just few days ago serbs were arrested for involvment in smuggling TONS of drugs and dozens were arrested for general drug smuggling.

Then again, we both know you don't actually believe what you write and the sole purpose of your comments is to irritate or cause a reaction - which I guess you have achieved (a reaction i mean.....no irritation - in fact amusement)


pre 14 godina

Nothing is known, but the Balkan War or Words is already in full swing.
Last year some Chinese and some Gypsies with Serbian passports were locked up for similar offenses. Plus Ukrainians, Serbs, Albanians. So what.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

All the time I was offered drugs in Belgrade, it was a Serb that was selling it...
(max, 4 November 2009 18:25)

Waoo, am travelling in out of Serbia with longer stays for the last 5 years and that never happened to me, so either I do not have the profile of a drug taker and you have it or we have not been at the same places....

But, one thing I can tell you, in Lausanne and Geneva, you don't have to have the profile, they are everywhere, would however not mention where from they usually are....

In Amsterdam, whether you have the profile or not, you can't move 10 meters without being asked for...

So, the moral of the story, from wherever they are, whoever they are, they don't deserve to hunt our streets, so instead of arguing who is hiding behind a passport, just try to give credit for the one who are fighting this expending deseases!!!


pre 14 godina

This news is a hit to the ironies of many in our days.

The arguments that Albanians are the terrorist, the drug dealers and sex traders has filled websites and publications from certain groups of people. But this among many others is proving their ironies to be just wrong.

Drugs are an expensive market attracting people from different places, different ethnic groups and religious backgrounds to join in. So, there is nonsense to point the finger at certain people as being the cause of all problems. We all contribute, although not equally to the mess of our world.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

24.5 kilos of heroin is a drop in the serbian bucket.
(KOSOVARi, 4 November 2009 21:04)

But think about your fellow citizens in switzerland, they'll be dry now....


pre 14 godina

Who cares from where he is, he was arrested and this is the most important!!
Goor job from the police
(The Swiss, 4 November 2009 15:48)

Indeed. Give him 20 years in prison, whoever he is.


pre 14 godina

Nicely done!

http://www.europol.europa.eu/index.asp?page=publications&language EUROPOL's 'European Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) 2009 report tells us who is behind this traffik. No prizes for guessing!

Mr Rae

pre 14 godina

Wow. There is an order of magnitude more in the opinion forum that in the original article. Much of this thread isn't worth the bits and bytes to store it.
Back to constructive comments please people. This forum does have an ability to provide interesting points of view and clarify the overall picture, but the sort of trash in this thread should be an embarrassment to us all; I’m included for reading it.