“Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days”

A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Thursday, 09.05.2013.


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BELGRADE A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic has stated. “I expect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, both south and north of the Ibar River, to accept the reality in the following days that the agreement that has been reached in Brussels is in their best interest,” he told daily Vecernje novosti. “Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days” “We do not want to implement the agreement with the use of force and without help and participation of our people. That could be a wrong and harmful way. The government is open and honest. We want talks with all our fellow countrymen from Kosovo and Metohija. I strongly believe that reason will win very soon. The agreement we reached is a maximum and it is in the interest of the entire Serbia. We are ready to convey all arguments to our people,” Dacic pointed out. He added that it was important that First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vucic would visit Kosovo Serbs and that he expected the situation to be clearer after that. “I believe that our people will understand Serbia’s position. I remind you that the agreement was in parliament accepted by all ruling and opposition parties aside from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). This is why I hope for unity with our people,” the PM was quoted as saying. Dacic announced that a top-level dialogue with Pristina should continue in the second half of May. “Talks on numerous topics are ahead of us, such as the issues of property, return of the displaced persons, protection of churches and cultural monuments, amnesty, energy and telecommunications,” he underscored. The prime minister said he was optimistic about Brussels’ decision on a date for the start of the EU accession talks for Serbia. “I am sure it will be completely clear in the second half of June that Serbia will start the EU accession negotiations. We as a country absolutely deserve it. We have done everything that was up to us and that was necessary. This will secure a safer future for our children. We expect only good news from Brussels and I strongly believe that Serbia will in the future be positive news in the world,” Dacic concluded. Ivica Dacic (Tanjug, file) Vecernje novosti

“Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days”

“We do not want to implement the agreement with the use of force and without help and participation of our people. That could be a wrong and harmful way. The government is open and honest. We want talks with all our fellow countrymen from Kosovo and Metohija. I strongly believe that reason will win very soon. The agreement we reached is a maximum and it is in the interest of the entire Serbia. We are ready to convey all arguments to our people,” Dačić pointed out.

He added that it was important that First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vučić would visit Kosovo Serbs and that he expected the situation to be clearer after that.

“I believe that our people will understand Serbia’s position. I remind you that the agreement was in parliament accepted by all ruling and opposition parties aside from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). This is why I hope for unity with our people,” the PM was quoted as saying.

Dačić announced that a top-level dialogue with Priština should continue in the second half of May.

“Talks on numerous topics are ahead of us, such as the issues of property, return of the displaced persons, protection of churches and cultural monuments, amnesty, energy and telecommunications,” he underscored.

The prime minister said he was optimistic about Brussels’ decision on a date for the start of the EU accession talks for Serbia.

“I am sure it will be completely clear in the second half of June that Serbia will start the EU accession negotiations. We as a country absolutely deserve it. We have done everything that was up to us and that was necessary. This will secure a safer future for our children. We expect only good news from Brussels and I strongly believe that Serbia will in the future be positive news in the world,” Dačić concluded.

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