Thursday, 09.05.2013.


“Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days”

A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

“Implementation plan to be done in seven to ten days” IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums.
(sj, 10 May 2013 10:35)

I agree that this is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation which is why it was approved by Serbia's parliament on behalf of the Serbs nation.


pre 11 godina

"A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated"

What load of crap. First it was to occur in teh first week after reachiung agreement in Brussels then its was later this month and now within 7 to 10 days. Yeah and brown cows will fly over the moon.

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums. I know that Dacic has learnt soemthing from travelling to the US; yap, yap, yap!!

Lasse Riise

pre 11 godina


I wonder if the SPS is aware of the fact to start implemention, WITHOUT having a referendum first is dictatorial?


pre 11 godina

The Serbs in Kosovo cannot hold the entire country of Serbia at ransom because they do not like the agreement that has been reached with the Kosovo government. Serbs in Serbia have rights too.


pre 11 godina

“I believe that our people will understand Serbia’s position. I remind you that the agreement was in parliament accepted by all ruling and opposition parties aside from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). This is why I hope for unity with our people,” the PM was quoted as saying.

Trying to equate the personal interests of those MPs who accepted the agreement with the desires of most of the common citizens who voted for them is not accurate, especially in the case of the SNS voters. I am sure they never believed that the people they elected would accept such an unconstitutional and damaging agreement in exchange for an elusive date. The Skupstina is not a fair representative body of the Serbian people, not now or in the past.


pre 11 godina

The Serbs in Kosovo cannot hold the entire country of Serbia at ransom because they do not like the agreement that has been reached with the Kosovo government. Serbs in Serbia have rights too.


pre 11 godina

“I believe that our people will understand Serbia’s position. I remind you that the agreement was in parliament accepted by all ruling and opposition parties aside from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). This is why I hope for unity with our people,” the PM was quoted as saying.

Trying to equate the personal interests of those MPs who accepted the agreement with the desires of most of the common citizens who voted for them is not accurate, especially in the case of the SNS voters. I am sure they never believed that the people they elected would accept such an unconstitutional and damaging agreement in exchange for an elusive date. The Skupstina is not a fair representative body of the Serbian people, not now or in the past.

Lasse Riise

pre 11 godina


I wonder if the SPS is aware of the fact to start implemention, WITHOUT having a referendum first is dictatorial?


pre 11 godina

"A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated"

What load of crap. First it was to occur in teh first week after reachiung agreement in Brussels then its was later this month and now within 7 to 10 days. Yeah and brown cows will fly over the moon.

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums. I know that Dacic has learnt soemthing from travelling to the US; yap, yap, yap!!


pre 11 godina

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums.
(sj, 10 May 2013 10:35)

I agree that this is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation which is why it was approved by Serbia's parliament on behalf of the Serbs nation.


pre 11 godina

“I believe that our people will understand Serbia’s position. I remind you that the agreement was in parliament accepted by all ruling and opposition parties aside from the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). This is why I hope for unity with our people,” the PM was quoted as saying.

Trying to equate the personal interests of those MPs who accepted the agreement with the desires of most of the common citizens who voted for them is not accurate, especially in the case of the SNS voters. I am sure they never believed that the people they elected would accept such an unconstitutional and damaging agreement in exchange for an elusive date. The Skupstina is not a fair representative body of the Serbian people, not now or in the past.


pre 11 godina

"A plan for the implementation of the Brussels agreement will be completed in seven to ten days, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has stated"

What load of crap. First it was to occur in teh first week after reachiung agreement in Brussels then its was later this month and now within 7 to 10 days. Yeah and brown cows will fly over the moon.

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums. I know that Dacic has learnt soemthing from travelling to the US; yap, yap, yap!!


pre 11 godina

The Serbs in Kosovo cannot hold the entire country of Serbia at ransom because they do not like the agreement that has been reached with the Kosovo government. Serbs in Serbia have rights too.

Lasse Riise

pre 11 godina


I wonder if the SPS is aware of the fact to start implemention, WITHOUT having a referendum first is dictatorial?


pre 11 godina

This is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation and Dacic does not have a mandate to do that so its either go to the polls and get that mandate or just keep flapping your gums.
(sj, 10 May 2013 10:35)

I agree that this is a document that affects the entire Serbs nation which is why it was approved by Serbia's parliament on behalf of the Serbs nation.