"Albanians and some in intl. community are lying to Vucic"

Ivica Dacic says he, bearing in mind his experience, believes that a part of the international community and Albanians from Kosovo are lying to President Vucic.

Izvor: RTS

Friday, 09.03.2018.


(EPA, file)

"Albanians and some in intl. community are lying to Vucic"

e also believes that Pristina and the international community should declare whether or not the Brussels agreement still exists.

"Catherine Ashton, Hashim Thacçi and I signed this agreement, and I would not have done it if there wasn't for the clause about the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSOs). So Serbia made a series of concessions, including the integration of Serbs into the Kosovo institutions. It is unacceptable that we continue to discuss about whether someone will implement the agreement," said Dacic

Commenting on the statement of the head of the cabinet of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Bekim Colaku, who said that Romania should first recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, before actively engaging in solving this problem, Dacic said that this was "seriously disgraceful."

"I do not know if they realize that they are the fools for thinking someone will force Vucic to recognize Kosovo without a compromise," Dacic said.

He explained that President Vucic "wants to resolve the issue of Kosovo for the future, but that it is a naive and mistaken belief that he will do so without further agreements and compromise."

"I keep telling Vucic, because I see that he is struggling, that there is a great pressure on Serbia to normalize relations with Pristina in order to have a European path, but it is not said to Pristina to make an effort toward normalization. Having in mind my experience, I am sure and I am warning Vucic they are lying to him all the time and will not want compromise, and will seek recognition," said Dacic.

The head of Serbian diplomacy said he feared he there would only be a paper delivered to Belgrade that would say nothing except that Serbia recognizes Kosovo's independence.

"As far as I'm concerned, Serbia will never accept Kosovo, such attempts represent shooting from an empty guns, there is no blackmail that can force Serbia to recognize Kosovo," the minister said.

He added that Belgrade will "continue its action, which irritated them th most - although they say those are children's games and that everything has been solved." Dacic said that the fact the Kosovo issue is not solved is proven by the fact that Vucic is being invited to talks - and that about a dozen countries will withdraw their recognition of Kosovo.

"We want a compromise, and if they do not want a compromise - we will carry on some more. I support and encourage President Vucic to be uncompromising in this matter," Dacic said.

Vucic announced that he would present his proposal on Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija) in April. He statesd that the proposal should make both sides equally dissatisfied. When asked if this meant a delineation, Dacic replied:

"The president will make the proposal that would be the subject of the talks, and this is a fundamental issue - there is no such discussion, i.e., they do not want to seek compromise at all. They want us to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, and we want compromise. That agreement means to have talks. You know that I have advocated a delineation and I think that this is the only possible solution, but whether Vucic will come out with this proposal, or if we will have some other suggestions, so that we accept some of them... "

Dacic reiterated that he believes Vucic is being lied to by the international community and Albanians from Kosovo.

"A part of the international community does not intend to seek compromise, they say that the story was finished in 2008. Do they think that we will recognize Kosovo for the sake of the EU accession? Well who can do it? Everyone should be ashamed to even think that somebody would do that. What kind of a country would allow such a thing to itself? No one would allow it, so I am sure that Serbia will not," said the head of Serbian diplomacy.

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