Friday, 09.03.2018.


"Albanians and some in intl. community are lying to Vucic"

Ivica Dacic says he, bearing in mind his experience, believes that a part of the international community and Albanians from Kosovo are lying to President Vucic.

Izvor: RTS

"Albanians and some in intl. community are lying to Vucic" IMAGE SOURCE

22 Komentari

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pre 6 godina

Serbs give us Albanians way too much credit for their own failings I can assure you we have zero power. Like you we too are used by the globalists to further their own agendas.


pre 6 godina

Toni Montana in the movie Scarface Said you need people like me so you can point your stinking fingers to me. Dacic you are scare that if Vucic makes a deal with Albanians (wich i don't believe it will happens because i know people in Ballkans are not that smart) you will lose your job and have no purpose in your homo life. you are absesest with Dardania(Kosova) maybe you loost an apartment there but i bet money you also like many Srebs have Albanian DNA test your self. Your Last name in Albanian is DACI comon name in North Albania Later your family changed it to DACI_C so Daci to Dacic thats why you sing very well turkish songs. Vucic promised his biological father from kDardania(KOSOVA) to help his ancestors land And recognaized it he will he is Albanian Blood so are so many Serbs that is why so naturaly love Dardania(KOSOVA) their ancestors (ALBANIAN ) blood calls them home all they have to do take of the IC and VIC in their last names and came home too Kosova.


pre 6 godina

BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!
(Watcher, 9 March 2018 17:41)

Why is it sad that BG is turning into an investment hub?!


pre 6 godina


We know what you mean about the west so we take opportunities by reacting wisely.Yugoslavia was a country that was created to be divided in the future. It was a well known fact that even citizens of Yugoslavia were aware that their country will no longer survive. The plans for Yugoslavian wars were made by U.S, Germany and Russia. Germany didn’t want a huge economic and military power near it’s borders, U.S wanted to create a base in Balkans and Russia was not so happy with Prosperous Yugoslavian Communism. Since Serbs were the most spreads nation inside Yugoslavia, they and Serbia were used as a tool to cause troubles.

The truth is that NATO did not supported only Albanians, they supported the fall of Yugoslavia and it has nothing to do with Albania being member of NATO or not. What makes people think that they supported Albanians is that Albanians had tensions with Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia. With other words, Albanians also supported the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in this case realpolitik and mutual interests oriented them 2 support everything against possible survive of Yugoslaiva.

In that time Albania was struggling with the fall of Communism and they didn’t have any important role in Kosovo war. The only thing that I know is the visit of the Minister of Defence of Albania to Turkey when the border of Albania was endangered by Serbian attack. Turkey had much more influence to persuade NATO members to stop Slobodan Milosevic after the genocide in Bosnia.


pre 6 godina

Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers
(Bilbao, 9 March 2018 13:50)

If you have not worked it out, the west is the Albanians friend not Serbs. Shouldn't they be helping your lot in Kosova?, but they don't. So far the only thing you guys got from the west is depleted uranium.


pre 6 godina

Little Sloba calling others liars. Wow. Why do you then want to join the same international community (EU) you're calling liars? Is it because they're giving you more money than Russia. Beggars can't be choosers.

Vote Him Out

pre 6 godina

It’s clear that Dacic is infiltrated by the Russians to hold Serbia in the past, while Vucic has seen the light and has moved West ideologically. The Serbian people will need to choose carefully who to give power to in the next general elections. Dadic’s outbursts don’t do much for Kosovo, the Guinea-Bissau “withdrawal of recognition” was confirmed as fake by the GB government, and Suriname+Burundi were quickly replaced by Madagascar+Barbados. Dacic is playing a losing game internationally, but it’s the Serbian people that need to diminish his party’s influence in government so that people like him don’t affect Serbia’s path towards the West any longer. The Western Balkans in general cannot afford politicians like him any longer.


pre 6 godina

Why is Dacic so agitated? There is one article a day about him.
According to what he said in this latest article, Vucic is the naive one, he is being lied to, while the smart Dacic has figured it all out. And apparently Dacic keeps telling Vucic but Vucic is not listening. After implying that Vucic is stupid, Dacic is one step away from calling him a traitor. Given the number of articles about Dacic that may happen within the next week.


pre 6 godina

There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.
(The Truth, 9 March 2018 13:33)

@ truthaj - You don't care about recognization only because you don't understand how the world works! You think you can just steal a piece of land and call it a "country" and the world will just work with you like nothing happened.
As far as effect on your lives...ask the masses who tried to leave but could not! Ask the people who are protesting to settle the "border" issue with Crna Gora so they can get "visa" liberation and get the F**k out of dodge.
BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!

Nikola Jovanovic

pre 6 godina

Exclusively Albanians are to blame for all the mess they created!

These are factors which individuals even national entities cannot and couldn’t avoid!

Out of all Balkan nations Albanians were and are the only one on the rise. Big one!

Reasons are numerous but those can be narrowed to their normal wish to go to the plains from their mountains, to their clever politics in avoiding many wars, in maintaining their culture and tradition (religion for them is just a veneer and not deeply-seated like, maybe, in Saudi Arabia and similar).

Serbs have a bad history of being a fuse and a lightning conductor!

They won all the wars and lost all the peaces!!!

Like in a Spanish corrida - a torero raises his red flag and the Serbian bull rushes to his death!


pre 6 godina

Man why so angry, have you done the part on what was agreed in 2011 Energy agreement ?

So lets finish 2011 then go to 2013 agreement.

Reconstruction of Serbian gov has your fat neck twisting, Ana thinks you are wasting taxpayers money!!!!


Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers


pre 6 godina

LOL, I see this article has the Albo's chicken feathers rattled. Dacic for President - "Make Serbia Great Again". And, 11 more countries to take away recognition. You need to go back and read some of my older posts - things are happening according to my predictions. Bah, bye Albo, nobosy wants a Terrorist ISIS group on the threshold of Europe. Gather up all the Syrians that snuck into Europe and join them on a trip back to the Middle East - where you come from by the way. And, stop insulting the Illyrians, you have nothing to do with them.


pre 6 godina

This goes way back to 1000 B.C.

What is know Serbia was at the time of the Romans Moesia Superior. Serbs, to be more precise Slavs didn't come to the Balkans until the year 600, so they were no Serbs at the time in Kosovo. But there was the , an Illyrian-Thracian tribe which lived in what is today Kosovo. And because the ancestors of the Albanians are the Illyrians, Kosovo was even B.C populated by Albanians, and not by Serbs. Only with the immigration of the Slavs to the Balkans Serbs lived in Kosovo and therefore were the majority in Kosovo, but Albanians were also in Kosovo, only in small numbers. At the time of the Ottoman Empire Albanians were preferred and were resettled in Kosovo and were again the majority in Kosovo.

The Truth

pre 6 godina

What would you like Kosovo to do I don’t think so even you do know ,you just lost on middle of huge filed and just running like mad dog.
We can see the end of you little slobo you will be gone for good as the damage you caused to Serbia diplomacy will take years to put it right .You clearly been traveling around the world to small countries and tried to corrupt them to revoke or not recognising Kosovo that’s it’s a clear message to Kosovo and World that you don’t want a Peace in Balkan and then you failed in any aspect of it and now you’re back at attacking Kosovo to create this serbs association through Repubic of Kosovo Constitution what dose this tell us who has been lying to Kosovo and International Community its only you here is lying when you’re self signed Agreement not to try and block Kosovo international integration or damage Kosovo in anyway well clearly you have been cough on action here Mr little Slobo.Don’t thro the rock and trie to hide the Hand.There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.


pre 6 godina

poor dumb Albos. Continental tires is establishing a research center in Novi Sad which will employ 400 Serb engineers while NOTHING is being done for teh Albos in Pristina LOL.

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

Why would anyone negotiate with Serbia which is thinning out by the day?

Give 20 more years, Serbia will have more people than teeth, thought all living in care homes for elderly.


pre 6 godina

Well done Dacicelope (caw).Coming from meeting with the latest no 1 diplomats on Erth and saying that all the international community and leadership is laing.you must be colld rocket man Kim jang.


pre 6 godina

About trying to revoke recongnitions, Gambia established diplomatic relations with Kosovo yesterday and a Kosovan embassy will be build. Republic of Kosovo have unveiled their strategy in co operation with America and Europe in counter fighting serbian diplomacy against revoking recongnitions and adding more recongnitions worldwide. Game over for servia


pre 6 godina

Dacic is the FOOL assuming Serbia 🇷🇸 can continue the victimization if Kosova even after
Murdering 12,000 Kosovars ,
Kidnapping thousands
Countless rapes and billions in real estate ,personal property and livestock destruction...

Serbia demands a “compromise” out of all that Serbia has inflicted on Kosova and three other states of former Yugoslavia...

Serbs want Kosova to lose as well.
Losers serbs (MISERY) loves company.

Haven’t the Kosovars lost enough???

We recognize Serbia by going along in the negotiations but Serbia doesn’t reciprocate.

Therefore how can we continue?

Demand is for Kosova to give its minority a status Serbia would NEVER GIVE PRESHEVA,etc...

I suggest ending pointless discussions...
Boycotting all Serb products from all Albanian lands...

Sueing Serbia for all the death and destruction she caused during the 1990’s serbia’s Decade of EVIL.


Before further meetings...


pre 6 godina

How dumb is it for Serbia to demand from Kosova recognition of Community of Municipalities of Serb War Criminals but at the same time refusal by Serbia to recognize Kosova!

Bit HYPOCRITICAL no???????


pre 6 godina

About trying to revoke recongnitions, Gambia established diplomatic relations with Kosovo yesterday and a Kosovan embassy will be build. Republic of Kosovo have unveiled their strategy in co operation with America and Europe in counter fighting serbian diplomacy against revoking recongnitions and adding more recongnitions worldwide. Game over for servia


pre 6 godina

Dacic is the FOOL assuming Serbia 🇷🇸 can continue the victimization if Kosova even after
Murdering 12,000 Kosovars ,
Kidnapping thousands
Countless rapes and billions in real estate ,personal property and livestock destruction...

Serbia demands a “compromise” out of all that Serbia has inflicted on Kosova and three other states of former Yugoslavia...

Serbs want Kosova to lose as well.
Losers serbs (MISERY) loves company.

Haven’t the Kosovars lost enough???

We recognize Serbia by going along in the negotiations but Serbia doesn’t reciprocate.

Therefore how can we continue?

Demand is for Kosova to give its minority a status Serbia would NEVER GIVE PRESHEVA,etc...

I suggest ending pointless discussions...
Boycotting all Serb products from all Albanian lands...

Sueing Serbia for all the death and destruction she caused during the 1990’s serbia’s Decade of EVIL.


Before further meetings...

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

Why would anyone negotiate with Serbia which is thinning out by the day?

Give 20 more years, Serbia will have more people than teeth, thought all living in care homes for elderly.

The Truth

pre 6 godina

What would you like Kosovo to do I don’t think so even you do know ,you just lost on middle of huge filed and just running like mad dog.
We can see the end of you little slobo you will be gone for good as the damage you caused to Serbia diplomacy will take years to put it right .You clearly been traveling around the world to small countries and tried to corrupt them to revoke or not recognising Kosovo that’s it’s a clear message to Kosovo and World that you don’t want a Peace in Balkan and then you failed in any aspect of it and now you’re back at attacking Kosovo to create this serbs association through Repubic of Kosovo Constitution what dose this tell us who has been lying to Kosovo and International Community its only you here is lying when you’re self signed Agreement not to try and block Kosovo international integration or damage Kosovo in anyway well clearly you have been cough on action here Mr little Slobo.Don’t thro the rock and trie to hide the Hand.There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.


pre 6 godina

How dumb is it for Serbia to demand from Kosova recognition of Community of Municipalities of Serb War Criminals but at the same time refusal by Serbia to recognize Kosova!

Bit HYPOCRITICAL no???????


pre 6 godina

LOL, I see this article has the Albo's chicken feathers rattled. Dacic for President - "Make Serbia Great Again". And, 11 more countries to take away recognition. You need to go back and read some of my older posts - things are happening according to my predictions. Bah, bye Albo, nobosy wants a Terrorist ISIS group on the threshold of Europe. Gather up all the Syrians that snuck into Europe and join them on a trip back to the Middle East - where you come from by the way. And, stop insulting the Illyrians, you have nothing to do with them.


pre 6 godina

This goes way back to 1000 B.C.

What is know Serbia was at the time of the Romans Moesia Superior. Serbs, to be more precise Slavs didn't come to the Balkans until the year 600, so they were no Serbs at the time in Kosovo. But there was the , an Illyrian-Thracian tribe which lived in what is today Kosovo. And because the ancestors of the Albanians are the Illyrians, Kosovo was even B.C populated by Albanians, and not by Serbs. Only with the immigration of the Slavs to the Balkans Serbs lived in Kosovo and therefore were the majority in Kosovo, but Albanians were also in Kosovo, only in small numbers. At the time of the Ottoman Empire Albanians were preferred and were resettled in Kosovo and were again the majority in Kosovo.


pre 6 godina

poor dumb Albos. Continental tires is establishing a research center in Novi Sad which will employ 400 Serb engineers while NOTHING is being done for teh Albos in Pristina LOL.


pre 6 godina

Well done Dacicelope (caw).Coming from meeting with the latest no 1 diplomats on Erth and saying that all the international community and leadership is laing.you must be colld rocket man Kim jang.

Nikola Jovanovic

pre 6 godina

Exclusively Albanians are to blame for all the mess they created!

These are factors which individuals even national entities cannot and couldn’t avoid!

Out of all Balkan nations Albanians were and are the only one on the rise. Big one!

Reasons are numerous but those can be narrowed to their normal wish to go to the plains from their mountains, to their clever politics in avoiding many wars, in maintaining their culture and tradition (religion for them is just a veneer and not deeply-seated like, maybe, in Saudi Arabia and similar).

Serbs have a bad history of being a fuse and a lightning conductor!

They won all the wars and lost all the peaces!!!

Like in a Spanish corrida - a torero raises his red flag and the Serbian bull rushes to his death!


pre 6 godina

Little Sloba calling others liars. Wow. Why do you then want to join the same international community (EU) you're calling liars? Is it because they're giving you more money than Russia. Beggars can't be choosers.

Vote Him Out

pre 6 godina

It’s clear that Dacic is infiltrated by the Russians to hold Serbia in the past, while Vucic has seen the light and has moved West ideologically. The Serbian people will need to choose carefully who to give power to in the next general elections. Dadic’s outbursts don’t do much for Kosovo, the Guinea-Bissau “withdrawal of recognition” was confirmed as fake by the GB government, and Suriname+Burundi were quickly replaced by Madagascar+Barbados. Dacic is playing a losing game internationally, but it’s the Serbian people that need to diminish his party’s influence in government so that people like him don’t affect Serbia’s path towards the West any longer. The Western Balkans in general cannot afford politicians like him any longer.


pre 6 godina

Why is Dacic so agitated? There is one article a day about him.
According to what he said in this latest article, Vucic is the naive one, he is being lied to, while the smart Dacic has figured it all out. And apparently Dacic keeps telling Vucic but Vucic is not listening. After implying that Vucic is stupid, Dacic is one step away from calling him a traitor. Given the number of articles about Dacic that may happen within the next week.


pre 6 godina

Man why so angry, have you done the part on what was agreed in 2011 Energy agreement ?

So lets finish 2011 then go to 2013 agreement.

Reconstruction of Serbian gov has your fat neck twisting, Ana thinks you are wasting taxpayers money!!!!


Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers


pre 6 godina


We know what you mean about the west so we take opportunities by reacting wisely.Yugoslavia was a country that was created to be divided in the future. It was a well known fact that even citizens of Yugoslavia were aware that their country will no longer survive. The plans for Yugoslavian wars were made by U.S, Germany and Russia. Germany didn’t want a huge economic and military power near it’s borders, U.S wanted to create a base in Balkans and Russia was not so happy with Prosperous Yugoslavian Communism. Since Serbs were the most spreads nation inside Yugoslavia, they and Serbia were used as a tool to cause troubles.

The truth is that NATO did not supported only Albanians, they supported the fall of Yugoslavia and it has nothing to do with Albania being member of NATO or not. What makes people think that they supported Albanians is that Albanians had tensions with Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia. With other words, Albanians also supported the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in this case realpolitik and mutual interests oriented them 2 support everything against possible survive of Yugoslaiva.

In that time Albania was struggling with the fall of Communism and they didn’t have any important role in Kosovo war. The only thing that I know is the visit of the Minister of Defence of Albania to Turkey when the border of Albania was endangered by Serbian attack. Turkey had much more influence to persuade NATO members to stop Slobodan Milosevic after the genocide in Bosnia.


pre 6 godina

Toni Montana in the movie Scarface Said you need people like me so you can point your stinking fingers to me. Dacic you are scare that if Vucic makes a deal with Albanians (wich i don't believe it will happens because i know people in Ballkans are not that smart) you will lose your job and have no purpose in your homo life. you are absesest with Dardania(Kosova) maybe you loost an apartment there but i bet money you also like many Srebs have Albanian DNA test your self. Your Last name in Albanian is DACI comon name in North Albania Later your family changed it to DACI_C so Daci to Dacic thats why you sing very well turkish songs. Vucic promised his biological father from kDardania(KOSOVA) to help his ancestors land And recognaized it he will he is Albanian Blood so are so many Serbs that is why so naturaly love Dardania(KOSOVA) their ancestors (ALBANIAN ) blood calls them home all they have to do take of the IC and VIC in their last names and came home too Kosova.


pre 6 godina

Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers
(Bilbao, 9 March 2018 13:50)

If you have not worked it out, the west is the Albanians friend not Serbs. Shouldn't they be helping your lot in Kosova?, but they don't. So far the only thing you guys got from the west is depleted uranium.


pre 6 godina

There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.
(The Truth, 9 March 2018 13:33)

@ truthaj - You don't care about recognization only because you don't understand how the world works! You think you can just steal a piece of land and call it a "country" and the world will just work with you like nothing happened.
As far as effect on your lives...ask the masses who tried to leave but could not! Ask the people who are protesting to settle the "border" issue with Crna Gora so they can get "visa" liberation and get the F**k out of dodge.
BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!


pre 6 godina

Serbs give us Albanians way too much credit for their own failings I can assure you we have zero power. Like you we too are used by the globalists to further their own agendas.


pre 6 godina

BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!
(Watcher, 9 March 2018 17:41)

Why is it sad that BG is turning into an investment hub?!


pre 6 godina

Dacic is the FOOL assuming Serbia 🇷🇸 can continue the victimization if Kosova even after
Murdering 12,000 Kosovars ,
Kidnapping thousands
Countless rapes and billions in real estate ,personal property and livestock destruction...

Serbia demands a “compromise” out of all that Serbia has inflicted on Kosova and three other states of former Yugoslavia...

Serbs want Kosova to lose as well.
Losers serbs (MISERY) loves company.

Haven’t the Kosovars lost enough???

We recognize Serbia by going along in the negotiations but Serbia doesn’t reciprocate.

Therefore how can we continue?

Demand is for Kosova to give its minority a status Serbia would NEVER GIVE PRESHEVA,etc...

I suggest ending pointless discussions...
Boycotting all Serb products from all Albanian lands...

Sueing Serbia for all the death and destruction she caused during the 1990’s serbia’s Decade of EVIL.


Before further meetings...


pre 6 godina

How dumb is it for Serbia to demand from Kosova recognition of Community of Municipalities of Serb War Criminals but at the same time refusal by Serbia to recognize Kosova!

Bit HYPOCRITICAL no???????


pre 6 godina

About trying to revoke recongnitions, Gambia established diplomatic relations with Kosovo yesterday and a Kosovan embassy will be build. Republic of Kosovo have unveiled their strategy in co operation with America and Europe in counter fighting serbian diplomacy against revoking recongnitions and adding more recongnitions worldwide. Game over for servia


pre 6 godina

This goes way back to 1000 B.C.

What is know Serbia was at the time of the Romans Moesia Superior. Serbs, to be more precise Slavs didn't come to the Balkans until the year 600, so they were no Serbs at the time in Kosovo. But there was the , an Illyrian-Thracian tribe which lived in what is today Kosovo. And because the ancestors of the Albanians are the Illyrians, Kosovo was even B.C populated by Albanians, and not by Serbs. Only with the immigration of the Slavs to the Balkans Serbs lived in Kosovo and therefore were the majority in Kosovo, but Albanians were also in Kosovo, only in small numbers. At the time of the Ottoman Empire Albanians were preferred and were resettled in Kosovo and were again the majority in Kosovo.

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

Why would anyone negotiate with Serbia which is thinning out by the day?

Give 20 more years, Serbia will have more people than teeth, thought all living in care homes for elderly.


pre 6 godina

LOL, I see this article has the Albo's chicken feathers rattled. Dacic for President - "Make Serbia Great Again". And, 11 more countries to take away recognition. You need to go back and read some of my older posts - things are happening according to my predictions. Bah, bye Albo, nobosy wants a Terrorist ISIS group on the threshold of Europe. Gather up all the Syrians that snuck into Europe and join them on a trip back to the Middle East - where you come from by the way. And, stop insulting the Illyrians, you have nothing to do with them.


pre 6 godina

poor dumb Albos. Continental tires is establishing a research center in Novi Sad which will employ 400 Serb engineers while NOTHING is being done for teh Albos in Pristina LOL.


pre 6 godina

Man why so angry, have you done the part on what was agreed in 2011 Energy agreement ?

So lets finish 2011 then go to 2013 agreement.

Reconstruction of Serbian gov has your fat neck twisting, Ana thinks you are wasting taxpayers money!!!!


Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers

Nikola Jovanovic

pre 6 godina

Exclusively Albanians are to blame for all the mess they created!

These are factors which individuals even national entities cannot and couldn’t avoid!

Out of all Balkan nations Albanians were and are the only one on the rise. Big one!

Reasons are numerous but those can be narrowed to their normal wish to go to the plains from their mountains, to their clever politics in avoiding many wars, in maintaining their culture and tradition (religion for them is just a veneer and not deeply-seated like, maybe, in Saudi Arabia and similar).

Serbs have a bad history of being a fuse and a lightning conductor!

They won all the wars and lost all the peaces!!!

Like in a Spanish corrida - a torero raises his red flag and the Serbian bull rushes to his death!


pre 6 godina

Well done Dacicelope (caw).Coming from meeting with the latest no 1 diplomats on Erth and saying that all the international community and leadership is laing.you must be colld rocket man Kim jang.

The Truth

pre 6 godina

What would you like Kosovo to do I don’t think so even you do know ,you just lost on middle of huge filed and just running like mad dog.
We can see the end of you little slobo you will be gone for good as the damage you caused to Serbia diplomacy will take years to put it right .You clearly been traveling around the world to small countries and tried to corrupt them to revoke or not recognising Kosovo that’s it’s a clear message to Kosovo and World that you don’t want a Peace in Balkan and then you failed in any aspect of it and now you’re back at attacking Kosovo to create this serbs association through Repubic of Kosovo Constitution what dose this tell us who has been lying to Kosovo and International Community its only you here is lying when you’re self signed Agreement not to try and block Kosovo international integration or damage Kosovo in anyway well clearly you have been cough on action here Mr little Slobo.Don’t thro the rock and trie to hide the Hand.There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.


pre 6 godina

Yay for you, why does Serbias success bother Albanians I hope Serbs live as good as they can. Cheers
(Bilbao, 9 March 2018 13:50)

If you have not worked it out, the west is the Albanians friend not Serbs. Shouldn't they be helping your lot in Kosova?, but they don't. So far the only thing you guys got from the west is depleted uranium.


pre 6 godina

There isn’t any way out of this Slobo a part from Recognition And full peace in Balkan and now go on and bark like mad dog as I really don’t give a f@ck if Serbia recognise Kosovo or not ,not even Bothered as it will have no effect at all on our lives here in Kosovo.What you don’t understand from F@uck off.
(The Truth, 9 March 2018 13:33)

@ truthaj - You don't care about recognization only because you don't understand how the world works! You think you can just steal a piece of land and call it a "country" and the world will just work with you like nothing happened.
As far as effect on your lives...ask the masses who tried to leave but could not! Ask the people who are protesting to settle the "border" issue with Crna Gora so they can get "visa" liberation and get the F**k out of dodge.
BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!


pre 6 godina

BG turning into the investment hub that YOUR FRIENDS can't get enough of....and you say "no effect on your lives"? If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious!
(Watcher, 9 March 2018 17:41)

Why is it sad that BG is turning into an investment hub?!

Vote Him Out

pre 6 godina

It’s clear that Dacic is infiltrated by the Russians to hold Serbia in the past, while Vucic has seen the light and has moved West ideologically. The Serbian people will need to choose carefully who to give power to in the next general elections. Dadic’s outbursts don’t do much for Kosovo, the Guinea-Bissau “withdrawal of recognition” was confirmed as fake by the GB government, and Suriname+Burundi were quickly replaced by Madagascar+Barbados. Dacic is playing a losing game internationally, but it’s the Serbian people that need to diminish his party’s influence in government so that people like him don’t affect Serbia’s path towards the West any longer. The Western Balkans in general cannot afford politicians like him any longer.


pre 6 godina

Little Sloba calling others liars. Wow. Why do you then want to join the same international community (EU) you're calling liars? Is it because they're giving you more money than Russia. Beggars can't be choosers.


pre 6 godina

Why is Dacic so agitated? There is one article a day about him.
According to what he said in this latest article, Vucic is the naive one, he is being lied to, while the smart Dacic has figured it all out. And apparently Dacic keeps telling Vucic but Vucic is not listening. After implying that Vucic is stupid, Dacic is one step away from calling him a traitor. Given the number of articles about Dacic that may happen within the next week.


pre 6 godina


We know what you mean about the west so we take opportunities by reacting wisely.Yugoslavia was a country that was created to be divided in the future. It was a well known fact that even citizens of Yugoslavia were aware that their country will no longer survive. The plans for Yugoslavian wars were made by U.S, Germany and Russia. Germany didn’t want a huge economic and military power near it’s borders, U.S wanted to create a base in Balkans and Russia was not so happy with Prosperous Yugoslavian Communism. Since Serbs were the most spreads nation inside Yugoslavia, they and Serbia were used as a tool to cause troubles.

The truth is that NATO did not supported only Albanians, they supported the fall of Yugoslavia and it has nothing to do with Albania being member of NATO or not. What makes people think that they supported Albanians is that Albanians had tensions with Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia. With other words, Albanians also supported the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in this case realpolitik and mutual interests oriented them 2 support everything against possible survive of Yugoslaiva.

In that time Albania was struggling with the fall of Communism and they didn’t have any important role in Kosovo war. The only thing that I know is the visit of the Minister of Defence of Albania to Turkey when the border of Albania was endangered by Serbian attack. Turkey had much more influence to persuade NATO members to stop Slobodan Milosevic after the genocide in Bosnia.


pre 6 godina

Toni Montana in the movie Scarface Said you need people like me so you can point your stinking fingers to me. Dacic you are scare that if Vucic makes a deal with Albanians (wich i don't believe it will happens because i know people in Ballkans are not that smart) you will lose your job and have no purpose in your homo life. you are absesest with Dardania(Kosova) maybe you loost an apartment there but i bet money you also like many Srebs have Albanian DNA test your self. Your Last name in Albanian is DACI comon name in North Albania Later your family changed it to DACI_C so Daci to Dacic thats why you sing very well turkish songs. Vucic promised his biological father from kDardania(KOSOVA) to help his ancestors land And recognaized it he will he is Albanian Blood so are so many Serbs that is why so naturaly love Dardania(KOSOVA) their ancestors (ALBANIAN ) blood calls them home all they have to do take of the IC and VIC in their last names and came home too Kosova.


pre 6 godina

Serbs give us Albanians way too much credit for their own failings I can assure you we have zero power. Like you we too are used by the globalists to further their own agendas.