Ambassador: U.S. hopes Serbia will recognize Kosovo
U.S. Ambassador in Pristina Greg Delawie has said that his country "hopes that Serbia will recognize Kosovo."
Friday, 29.01.2016.

Ambassador: U.S. hopes Serbia will recognize Kosovo
His comments came ahead of the 8th anniversary on February 17 of Kosovo Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence - which Serbia rejected as a violation of its Constitution and territorial integrity.Speaking about a future special court that would deal with cases of war crimes committed by the ethnic Albanian KLA, he said his country was "convinced" the court would try "the bosses - those whom Kosovo's justice institutions could not put on trial."
"The court will try all those who consider themselves above the law," Delawie has been quoted as saying, and adding he was "convinced that the Special Court will solve the unsolved cases."
"Why is this court necessary? I have been here (Pristina) since August of last year and so far I have seen several examples of what people do here with impunity. It seems that some people convicted of war crimes come and go to prison as they wish, that they go to Sweden and other countries when they wish," he remarked.
According to Albanian language daily Zeri, published in Pristina, Delawie also said - in reference to the Serb entity in Bosnia - that "nobody, including the U.S., wants to see a Serb Republic in Kosovo," and that the future Community of Serb Municipalities "will act in accordance with the instructions of the Kosovo Constitutional Court."
Speaking about Pristina's demarcation agreement with Montenegro - one of the reasons for opposition protests - the ambassador said it was "a made up problem" used by the opposition to block the work of the Assembly.
Delawie also stated that "if there really is concern or firm evidence" that the agreement was contrary to "the territorial integrity of Kosovo" - that should be debated in parliament.
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