Former commander testifies at Zvornik war crimes trial
The Zvornik war crimes trial continued yesterday with Zoran Subotić taking the witness stand.
Thursday, 29.11.2007.

The Zvornik war crimes trial continued yesterday with Zoran Subotic taking the witness stand. During April 1992, Subotic was the commander at Crisis Headquarters in Zvornik. Former commander testifies at Zvornik war crimes trial He told the War Crimes Council at Belgrade District Court that he had come to Zvornik at the end of March 1992 as a reservist and that he had been appointed to the post of commander of the Zvornik Territorial Defense Force’s Crisis Headquarters. “I was the president at the headquarters, but I did not attend a single meeting,“ he said, adding that he had spent no more than a fortnight in the town, and that he knew nothing of the crimes in Celopek or for that matter, in the Ekonomija and Ciglana districts. “At a meeting at Crisis Headquarters also attended by (first accused) Branko Grujic, I negotiated with Muslims on a peaceful solution to the conflict. The Muslims suggested giving Karakaj to the Serbs, and that they be left with Zvornik,“ said the witness. He said that he had heard about the deportation of Muslims from the villages of Kozluk and Skocic, though, he claimed, he knew nothing of the circumstances. Subotic said he had returned to Zvornik to take part in humanitarian work, and was politically active as a representative of the Serb Radical Party (SRS). Then president of the so-called Zvornik temporary government, Branko Grujic, Territorial Defense Commander Branko Popovic and “Yellow Wasp“ paramilitary unit members Dragan Slavkovic, Ivan Korac, Sinisa Filipovic and Dragutin Dragicevic have all been charged with the deportation of Bosnian Muslims, as well as a number of other crimes in the Zvornik municipality. All except Dragicevic, who is using his right to remain silent, pleaded not guilty when the charges were first read out on November 28, 2005.
Former commander testifies at Zvornik war crimes trial
He told the War Crimes Council at Belgrade District Court that he had come to Zvornik at the end of March 1992 as a reservist and that he had been appointed to the post of commander of the Zvornik Territorial Defense Force’s Crisis Headquarters.“I was the president at the headquarters, but I did not attend a single meeting,“ he said, adding that he had spent no more than a fortnight in the town, and that he knew nothing of the crimes in Čelopek or for that matter, in the Ekonomija and Ciglana districts.
“At a meeting at Crisis Headquarters also attended by (first accused) Branko Grujić, I negotiated with Muslims on a peaceful solution to the conflict. The Muslims suggested giving Karakaj to the Serbs, and that they be left with Zvornik,“ said the witness.
He said that he had heard about the deportation of Muslims from the villages of Kozluk and Skočić, though, he claimed, he knew nothing of the circumstances.
Subotić said he had returned to Zvornik to take part in humanitarian work, and was politically active as a representative of the Serb Radical Party (SRS).
Then president of the so-called Zvornik temporary government, Branko Grujić, Territorial Defense Commander Branko Popović and “Yellow Wasp“ paramilitary unit members Dragan Slavković, Ivan Korać, Siniša Filipović and Dragutin Dragićević have all been charged with the deportation of Bosnian Muslims, as well as a number of other crimes in the Zvornik municipality.
All except Dragićević, who is using his right to remain silent, pleaded not guilty when the charges were first read out on November 28, 2005.
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