"It is already clear that the year 2025 will not be peaceful. Much depends on how much common sense and composure regional and global players will have," Naryshkin told the Russian portal Sputnik.As he pointed out, the transition from a unipolar world order to a "new, just world order" is currently underway."And that process, of course, carries its own risks and is very complex... The former hegemon in the form of the USA is gradually degrading, losing control. At the same time, new powerful, authoritative players are emerging in the world that already have great potential - development potential, potential and ability to ensure security and stability in the world", said Naryshkin.In December, Niryshkin said that the USA and Europe are facing a difficult, dramatic period of internal conflicts that will be attributed to the "hand of Moscow"."As for the future multipolar world, it should include the USA and European countries, but on the condition that they have the same rights as the others," Naryshkin said.
"It is already clear that 2025 will not be peaceful"
The situation in the world this year will be unstable, said the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Sergey Naryshkin.
Izvor: Sputnik
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