Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing the Earth, as even small effects can have serious consequences for our future.Scientists have some disturbing predictions, and the harmful behavior of some billionaires has a significant impact on the future of the Earth.However, some of the wealthiest individuals are not willing to sit back and wait for what seems to be the inevitable. Led by names like Bill Gates and Sam Altman, a startup called "Make Sunsets" has already launched giant balloons over Mexico, where aerosols that reflect sunlight are released into the Earth's atmosphere.The goal of this is to block and reflect the Sun's radiation, which in an ideal world would lower the Earth's temperature and act as a positive change against the harmful effects of global warming.Make SunsetsThe plan has drawn considerable criticism from various fields of scientific research, with many pointing to unintended consequences. It claims the project could cause significant crop problems, regional droughts and even an increase in natural disasters like hurricanes and tropical diseases.As reported by "MIT Technology Review", the project was criticized by key researchers, who condemned "efforts to commercialize geoengineering at an early stage".Also, they claim that "the company has not made a serious scientific effort or any credible work, but rather serves to attract attention in order to cause controversy".Luke Iseman, co-founder and CEO of Make Sunsets, isn't afraid of negative reviews. He claims that while the company's actions could make it "look like a Bond villain", he still believes it is "morally wrong not to do this".
Bill Gates' controversial plan to cool the Planet
Several of the world's richest billionaires have teamed up to fight global warming, and their plan is to block the sun with giant balloons.
Izvor: Unilad Tech
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