Rat – dan 1.055: Počela nova faza rata; Eksplozije u Kijevu; Pao ključni grad
Rat u Ukrajini – 1.055. dan. Rusija je prethodno izvršila 412 udara na 14 naselja u Zaporoškoj oblasti na jugu Ukrajine.
1 d
Utorak, 18.06.2019.
"Volim predsednika", rekla je portparolka Bele kuće Sara Sanders kad je objavila da odlazi s funkcije posle dve godine.
Vašington će zameniti rodnim Arkanzasom, ali šta će raditi nije poznato. Jedno je sigurno - i dalje će biti “Trampova cura”.
"Nastaviću da budem jedna od najglasnijih i najodanijih pobornica predsednika i njegove agende. Znam da će on imati još šest neverovatnih godina", najavila je Sara Sanders, podseća Jutarnji list.After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2019
“#Trump seemed to see in #Sanders a kindred or at least very loyal spirit, someone who would defend anything he said or did without hesitation or reservation. Someone like him, who was not particularly concerned with a fidelity to truth.” https://t.co/24dwjRWWNy
— Kurt Bardella (@kurtbardella) June 17, 2019
Good riddance. She had the most important spokesperson job in the world and used it to lie repeatedly to the the American people. I hope shame and stigma follow her the rest of life. https://t.co/6WZ4KuA4IT
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) June 13, 2019
Ovo je arhivirana verzija originalne stranice. Izvinjavamo se ukoliko, usled tehničkih ograničenja, stranica i njen sadržaj ne odgovaraju originalnoj verziji.
Ceo BO3 meč je bio gotov za manje od sat vremena.
17 h
Pobednik prolazi u zatvorene kvalifikacije, dok će poražena ekipa imati još jednu šansu za plasman.
1 d
Važna prekretnica za žensku profesionalnu Counter-Strike scenu.
4 d
Ukrajinska organizacija Natus Vincere (NAVI) objavila je odluku da nakon tri godine napušta žensku CS scenu i samim tim raspušta svoj tim NAVI Javelins.
5 d
U trejleru se pojavljuju mnogi Noxus šampioni u ”Arcane izdanju”.
7 d
Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, addresses the media.
2 h
Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic qualified for the third round of the Australian Open.
2 h
Today, the so-called Kosovo police raided the facilities of PO Priština and the Post Office in Gračanica, as well as in Kosovo Polje, Lipljan and other places south of the Ibar.
2 h
Japanese and American spacecraft are being prepared for launch to the moon from Florida, and will be placed on the SpaceX rocket.
2 h
US airfields in the Pacific are extremely vulnerable to China's advanced air force and missile capabilities, creating a high risk of massive casualties before a potential confrontation between Beijing and Washington even begins.
2 h
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