Eight ministers so far certain to be replaced

So far it is certain that eight ministers will leave the government, Tanjug has reported on Wednesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 31.07.2013.


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BELGRADE So far it is certain that eight ministers will leave the government, Tanjug has reported on Wednesday. They include four officials of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS), one of the Socialist Party of Serbia, and three from the United Regions of Serbia (URS). Eight ministers so far certain to be replaced By the end of the day, it will be announced whether Health Minister Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic and Education Minister Zarko Obradovic, both from the SPS, will leave their offices. The resignations to the SNS ministerial offices were submitted by Aleksandar Vucic (as defense minister) and Minister of Agriculture Goran Knezevic, while the party also decided that "replacements should be found" for Minister of Youth and Sport Alisa Maric and Minister of Culture Bratislav Petkovic. The government will continue on without the URS that is Minister of Economy and Finance Mladjan Dinkic, Minister of Regional Development and Local Self-Government Verica Kalanovic, and Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration Suzana Grubjesic. It is also certain that Transport Minister and official of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Milutin Mrkonjic will leave office. Tanjug

Eight ministers so far certain to be replaced

By the end of the day, it will be announced whether Health Minister Slavica Đukić-Dejanović and Education Minister Žarko Obradović, both from the SPS, will leave their offices.

The resignations to the SNS ministerial offices were submitted by Aleksandar Vučić (as defense minister) and Minister of Agriculture Goran Knežević, while the party also decided that "replacements should be found" for Minister of Youth and Sport Alisa Marić and Minister of Culture Bratislav Petković.

The government will continue on without the URS that is Minister of Economy and Finance Mlađan Dinkić, Minister of Regional Development and Local Self-Government Verica Kalanović, and Deputy Prime Minister for EU Integration Suzana Grubješić.

It is also certain that Transport Minister and official of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Milutin Mrkonjić will leave office.

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