The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will continue on Thursday

The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be resumed on Thursday, October 29, with a meeting at the level of experts, Tanjug has learned in Brussels.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 28.10.2020.


The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will continue on Thursday
Foto: Depositphots/artjazz

The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will continue on Thursday

Both delegations will be led by chief negotiators.

It is a round of dialogue that was originally scheduled for the end of September, but was canceled due to the preventive quarantine measure for the staff of the European External Action Service (EEAS), which mediates the dialogue.

The agenda remains the same, financial claims and assets will be discussed.

In Brussels, they state for Tanjug that the meeting will take place in compliance with all measures of protection against coronavirus prescribed by the European External Action Service and the authorities of Belgium, as the host country.

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