EU spokesman Peter Stano explained everything

The European Union High Representative's Spokesman Peter Stano stated that the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina will be ready when both sides agree on it

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 30.07.2020.


EU spokesman Peter Stano explained everything
Ilustracija: Getty images/Adam Berry

EU spokesman Peter Stano explained everything

Asked by Tanjug whether any potential draft agreement was being worked on in the European Union at the moment and who was in charge of drafting the document - the High Representative, the Special Representative or the member states - Stano said that "everything agreed" on the meetings should be put on paper".

EU spokesman Peter Stano explained that a comprehensive and legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina will be "ready" and "signed" when both sides agree on all open issues and agree that it is possible to continue normalization within the signed agreement.

"We are in the middle of a process that continues at this moment, at the expert level. Certain topics are being discussed, and it is not up to the EU to comment on who said what, who presents which papers or drafts. The EU facilitates the process by creating space for both sides to agree on all open issues, and whatever is agreed is put on paper", Stano said at a press conference.

Peter Stano adds that the EU, as a mediator in the dialogue, will not enter into every single step that happens during the talks process, nor will it prejudge its outcome.

"It is a process that is being conducted at the highest level and will be continued in September. In the meantime, we have meetings of experts and we do not want to comment on everything that appears in the media or politicians' statements during the process", Stano said.

He adds that two topics are on the agenda of today's meeting of experts: missing persons and economic issues.

The EU spokesman reminds that the dialogue continued after a 20-month break and that the basic desire of the EU is to bring both sides to an agreement on mutually acceptable solutions to all issues, in order to normalize relations and finalize it through a comprehensive agreement.

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