What does Belgrade know about the EU ultimatum and what will Vucic say?

Belgrade is not aware that a draft comprehensive agreement will be handed over to the delegations of Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels on Thursday

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.07.2020.


What does Belgrade know about the EU ultimatum and what will Vucic say?
EPA-EFE Andrej Èukiæ

What does Belgrade know about the EU ultimatum and what will Vucic say?

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, who added that he was convinced that, if there was such a proposal, President Aleksandar Vucic would respond in accordance with state and national interests.

"Vecernje novosti" announced last night, referring to diplomatic sources, that the Belgrade delegation, which is traveling for talks with Miroslav Lajčák and representatives of Pristina institutions at the European Union headquarters on Thursday, will be handed a draft comprehensive agreement, which implies de facto recognition of Kosovo by Serbia.

Dacic says that it is very strange to talk about the draft of a document now, because Vucic will not go to Brussels on Thursday, and he adds that such a document would serve as additional pressure on the President of Serbia.

"Presenting that document now at this stage of the dialogue would be a surprise, especially because it was not announced that it would happen, but nothing is impossible. It is strange that they are doing it now, when Vucic is not present there, they announced that the dialogue will continue in September", Dacic said.

As he says, if there is such a document, it would serve to gain time in order to put additional pressure on Vucic, both outside and inside.

"Externally, various factors that they would like to use for blackmail, that Serbia must accept such a document because otherwise it would not have a bright European perspective, and on the domestic political scene, there are those who help such pressures by organizing various demonstrations and violence on the streets... These are two sides of the same coin. They want everything to return to the old state of affairs", Dacic concluded.

Blackmail will be Serbia's entry into the EU, Dacic added, because it is said that a legally binding agreement must follow before Serbia's path to EU membership is opened.

He points out that he is sure that, if there is such a draft document, Vucic will inform the public about its content and that his answer will be in accordance with national and state interests.

He states that the Serbian delegation was not informed about any document on the agenda on Thursday, but that these are technical issues, such as the issue of displaced persons, the economy...

Asked whether the United States and the EU agree on moves when it comes to the Kosovo issue, Dacic answered that he could not say that there is joint and coordinated action, but, on the contrary, pressure from the EU and countries like Germany and France to marginalize the United States in the dialogue.

"This is not new, you could see the same attitude these past months, they undermined the meeting that was planned in the White House...", Dacic said.

He says that it is obvious that there are several lines of desire to influence the flow of dialogue.

He adds that the result of any agreement will certainly have to pass the United Nations Security Council, which means that all the great powers will have to give their opinion on that.

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