Government adopts proposal to amend Constitution

The government adopted at Thursday's session a proposal to change the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, which refers to courts and public prosecutors.


Friday, 30.11.2018.


Government adopts proposal to amend Constitution

Government adopts proposal to amend Constitution

In order to improve the organization of judicial authorities and the positions of public prosecutors, the government proposed amendments to the provision of Article 4 of the Constitution, Articles 142-165, and consequently, the provisions of Article 99 of the Constitution (competence of the National Assembly), Article 105 (decision-making of the National Assembly) and the provisions of Article 172 of the Constitution (election and appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court).

Changes in the provisions adopted by the government today aim to improve the efficiency of the judiciary, which will be implemented through faster resolution of cases and reduction of their number.

The changes will strengthen the independence and integrity of judges, but also increase the level of responsibility in this area.

Changing the Constitution in the part of the judiciary is a necessary step in further strengthening of the rule of law and harmonisation with European legal norms and standards.

The government of Serbia established on Thursday opinions on the amendments of the deputies to the National Assembly.

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