"This is miserable purgatory..."

If the West is ready to support Ukraine, then it must do more. If not, then the West has to say so, states strategist and colonel Markus Reisner for ARD.

Izvor: DW

Tuesday, 05.12.2023.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Mstyslav Chernov

"This is miserable purgatory..."

"This miserable purgatory is currently only bringing more dead people," strategist and colonel Markus Reisner tells ARD.

When asked if this means that Ukraine will lose the war, Reisner states that Ukraine will lose the war if the West does not provide it with the necessary support.

"This is a war of attrition, resources are key here, not morale. However, the mood in European capitals is bad: arms deliveries were thought to be sufficient. But that is not the case", he pointed out, as reported by Deutsche Welle.

On the statement that the West has already delivered a lot, and continues to give and support Ukraine, Reisner states that the situation is serious. "The West must understand that. Is it ready to support Ukraine? If so, it has to do more. If it is not ready, then the West has to say so. This miserable purgatory is currently only bringing more deaths, but no results," he added.

"The existing weapons production will not be able to deliver what is really needed. It takes more effort. And I don't want to use the term war economy here, but a greater effort is needed", Reisner also points out.

According to him, it seems that Europe did not recognize the seriousness of the situation, because it had to be connected with significant war-economic efforts. "NATO itself says: The barrel is slowly emptying, and we don't have any more." Increasing production capacity takes years, not months. And Ukraine no longer has a functional military-industrial complex of the required scale," he says.

After stating that the Ukrainian offensive did not bring the desired success, and that the Ukrainians are currently unable to keep the Russians on the move, Reisner states that the situation is worse than last year.

"Russia was on the defensive for a long time, afraid of losing the occupied territories. That's why she started digging in. Ukraine then went on the offensive with the equipment it had, and it failed. After that, the Russian mood changed for the better. And now the Russians even believe that they can win over time", he points out.

The worst is for soldiers in the trenches. And now the situation is such that "if you are wounded, you will die". When asked how this "slaughterhouse" can be stopped, Reisner answers:

"It's a dilemma. There are many parallels with the situation in Korea. The Korean War was very dynamic at the beginning, and then it came to a standstill. It then took two years and 473 days of negotiations to define the 18-page document that established the ceasefire that is still in effect today. The two countries are still at war. But that would mean that Ukraine would no longer exist within the borders as we know it. And the dilemma is that Russia will be even less willing to negotiate as soon as it notices that the West is on its knees.

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