Daily: CIA sending ship full of arms to Kosovo army

A ship with a container full of the latest weaponry for the needs of (a future) Kosovo army is on its way across the Atlantic to the port of Durres in Alabania.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 05.12.2018.


Daily: CIA sending ship full of arms to Kosovo army
(Getty Images, file, illustration)

Daily: CIA sending ship full of arms to Kosovo army

According to the newspaper, the dangerous cargo will be from there taken to Kosovo Security Forces bases. The daily further cites the data received by the Serbian security services, to report that "this conspirative arrangement is part of Pristina's scenario to take control of the northern (Serb) part of the province."

In addition, Vecernje Novosti reports, Serbian operatives have obtained information that the Kosovo secret service has distributed automatic rifles to some of the former and current associates in the southern part of (ethnically divided) Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as to other persons from "state institutions" who are trained to use them.

"This hellish game that is behind the curtains lead by America, fits into the plans of the Pristina authorities who intend to on December 14, in violation of all agreements, establish 'the Kosovo Army'," the paper said.

Vecernje Novosti also claims that the idea to impose additional (100 percent higher) taxes on goods from central Serbia came from Washington. "They, via Thaci and his minister Endri Shala, suggested to the Kosovo government the introduction of the tax, to spur Haradinaj into making even more radical measures," an unnamed source told the Belgrade daily.

As the source explained, this was meant to provoke Belgrade's reaction and lead to a limited conflict in the north of Kosovo.

"Because of this, Pristina is demanding that KFOR strengthens its the presence in the north and hermetically closes the 'border' towards central Serbia, supposedly in order to prevent the smuggling of goods," the unnamed source said.

Vecernje Novosti added that Pristina intends to execute a complete blockade of northern Kosovo and Metohija in the event of a possible deterioration of the security situation due to the Serbs' resistance, and to close the administrative crossings Brnjak and Jarinje with the help of KFOR.

In addition, the paper also stresses that KFOR, in case Belgrade, as a countermeasure, stops the water supply from Gazivode, would take control of this strategically important lake on its behalf.

"That would achieve the goal - establishing control over the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija," Vecernje Novosti concluded.

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