Independent International Commission report on Srebrenica released "It didn't happen"

Academic Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of All People in the Srebrenica region between 1992 - 1995 is released.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 21.07.2021.


Independent International Commission report on Srebrenica released

Independent International Commission report on Srebrenica released "It didn't happen"

The commission was led by Israeli historian Gideon Greif.

The 1.036-page report, as well as the conclusions, were published in Serbian and English.

"After a thorough investigation by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of All People in the Srebrenica region between 1992 - 1995, it is concluded that neither an individual crime of genocide nor genocide at all took place in Srebrenica. Although the Commission does not consider the killings around Srebrenica genocide, it acknowledges the fact that thousands of people (mostly prisoners of war) were killed in the most horrific way and that those responsible for these heinous crimes should be punished", the Commission's conclusions read.

Members of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of All People in the Srebrenica region in 1992-1995, except Greif, include the following: Professor Walter Manusek from Austria, lawyer Marcus Kolbach - one of the leading lawyers in Germany who worked on the trials of German Nazi criminals, Adarnela Schinab from Nigeria, which is an expert in crime research, Professor Marija Djurić, who is considered the best in the world in the field of forensic research - the only Serbian representative.

In addition to them, there is Professor Roger Byard, also a world-renowned forensic expert, Professor Yuki Osaf from Japan, who dealt with the Srebrenica conflict in the last decade, Professor Stephen Meyer, Professor Lawrence French and the late Giuseppe Zacharias, a media expert and a world-renowned journalist.

You can read the complete report of the Commission in Srebrenica at the following link.

"It is not intended to lessen anyone's suffering or pain"

The Republic Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons reminds that the Government of the Republika Srpska made the decision to establish the Commission based on the conclusions of the Republic Parliament, and was informed about the content of the Report at a special session on June 11 this year.

"The Government of Srpska is convinced that only a complete and true view of events in the Srebrenica region, but also in the entire Bosnia-Herzegovina, will contribute to strengthening trust and tolerance among the peoples in Bosnia-Herzegovina, final reconciliation and coexistence of present and future generations," the Republic Center said in a statement.

The government expresses reverence for all victims and their families of the tragic conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, condemns war crimes committed on all sides and demands non-discriminatory prosecution of those responsible for war crimes on all sides.

Speaking about the report, the president of the Commission, the Israeli historian Gideon Greif, said, among other things, that the Commission made a serious, professional and balanced report, which relies on the truth and historical events.

As was the case when the Report of the Independent International Commission for the Investigation of the Suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo from 1991 to 1995 was presented, Srpska officials assessed that it was not a document directed against any people in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

"The intention is not to reduce anyone's suffering or pain, but that it is necessary to look at the events of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina impartially and with arguments, which is why these commissions were formed," the Center for War Research, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons claims.

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