B92.net finds out: This is the place where vaccination in Belgrade starts at 11 PHOTO

Hall 3 of the Belgrade Fair, in which vaccination against coronavirus will be performed today, opens at 11 am, B92.net has learned.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 25.01.2021.


B92.net finds out: This is the place where vaccination in Belgrade starts at 11 PHOTO
Foto: Grad Beograd

B92.net finds out: This is the place where vaccination in Belgrade starts at 11 PHOTO

Everything is ready for the reception of the first citizens, as shown by the photos from the place.

Vaccination in Hall 3 actually present continuation of the vaccination against coronavirus, which started earlier, but today the mentioned hall enters that system. So far, 218.000 citizens have been vaccinated in Serbia, and 43.000 people received the vaccine against coronavirus yesterday, the Office for IT and eUprava told Tanjug.
"The city of Belgrade has prepared a new point for vaccination of fellow citizens," said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić this morning, adding that the capacity of Hall 3 is greater than the capacity of Hall 11, where vaccination is already being carried out.

"At the Belgrade Fair, when these two points start working together, and that is today at 11 am, we will be able to vaccinate around 8.000 citizens today. We expect to increase the capacities in the coming days, so that all Belgrade citizens can be vaccinated", said Vesić.
He reiterated that there are call centers in all 17 Belgrade municipalities through which fellow citizens older than 65 can get help with applying for vaccination and transportation to the place where immunization is performed.

"The fact that most health workers and pensioners are vaccinated shows that the priority groups are the most represented when it comes to people who are vaccinated, and the data of 48.5 percent of men and 51.5 percent of women shows that we follow the gender structure of the population", Vesić said.
He added that he was not satisfied with the fact that Belgrade was not among the top five cities, when it comes to the percentage of the population that was vaccinated. "It is the most difficult to achieve that percentage in Belgrade, considering that Belgrade has the most inhabitants, but we will try to increase that percentage in the coming days, by opening new checkpoints, increasing the capacity of our health centers that work in two shifts and vaccinating citizens", added Vesić.

He once again called on everyone to get vaccinated because, he points out, the vaccine is the only way to deal with the epidemic and return to a normal life. "The sooner we get vaccinated, the sooner we will return to life as we've known before March 2020," Vesić concluded.

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