Serbian students win 12 medals at science olympiad

Serbian high school students have won 12 medals at the 11th International Zhautykov Olympiad in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science held in Kazakhstan.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 19.01.2015.


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(Image courtesy of the Mathematical Grammar School,

Serbian students win 12 medals at science olympiad

The students won one gold, three silver and eight bronze medals. the Mathematical Grammar School said on Saturday.

In mathematics, the gold was won by Andjela Sarkovic from Nis, while the silver went to Aleksa Konstantinov from Belgrade.

Bogdana Jelic and Luka Vukelic, from Belgrade and Nikola Spasic from Nis won bronzes.

Belgraders Dusan Djordjevic and Marko Puric and Nemanja Mandic from Nis won bronze medals in the physics competition.

When it comes to computer science contests, Nikola Jovanovic from the Mathematical Grammar School and Marko Stankovic from the Svetozar Markovic High School won silvers, while Filip Vesovic from the Belgrade school and Dusan Zivanovic from the school in Nis won bronzes.

The Olympiad, which took place in Almaty on January 11-17, hosted 385 competitors in 58 teams from 15 countries, and the Serbian students were there with professors Sonja Cukic and Ivan Stanic.

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