Serbian actress wins at Swiss festival

Jasna Đurišić has won Best Actress award for her performance in Oleg Novković's "White White World" at the Locarno Film Festival.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 15.08.2010.


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Jasna Djurisic has won Best Actress award for her performance in Oleg Novkovic's "White White World" at the Locarno Film Festival. The festival's main award, the Golden Leopard, went to Li Hongqi's "Winter Vacation". Serbian actress wins at Swiss festival "White, White World" ("Beli, beli svet") was screened in the Locarno Film Festival's main program, to meet with praise from critics and audiences. The film premiered at the festival on August 6 in front of 3,000 people, that included film industry leaders and reporters, and was met with enthusiastic reception, said reports from Switzerland. The drama set in the eastern mining town of Bor "follows a close group of alienated locals through misguided love affairs and other brash misdeeds", says the indieWire review. Le Monde's reviewer described the movie as "an exceptional work", noting that "in the midst of the suffering in the world, the only beauty that can be given to the world is tragedy". Swiss media described the film as "unforgettable and brave", "a beautiful Serb tragedy", "a true Balkan opera", while one ventured to dub it the festival's best entry. Lead actor and producer Uliks Fehmiju, screenwriter Milena Markovic, producer Milena Trobozic Garfield, and the film's co-producers from Germany and Sweden attended the post-screening news conference, to be greeted with applause from reporters. This was the first time that a Serbian film was competing for the top prize in Locarno, one of the world's oldest film festivals. A scene from the film

Serbian actress wins at Swiss festival

"White, White World" ("Beli, beli svet") was screened in the Locarno Film Festival's main program, to meet with praise from critics and audiences.

The film premiered at the festival on August 6 in front of 3,000 people, that included film industry leaders and reporters, and was met with enthusiastic reception, said reports from Switzerland.

The drama set in the eastern mining town of Bor "follows a close group of alienated locals through misguided love affairs and other brash misdeeds", says the indieWire review.

Le Monde's reviewer described the movie as "an exceptional work", noting that "in the midst of the suffering in the world, the only beauty that can be given to the world is tragedy".

Swiss media described the film as "unforgettable and brave", "a beautiful Serb tragedy", "a true Balkan opera", while one ventured to dub it the festival's best entry.

Lead actor and producer Uliks Fehmiju, screenwriter Milena Marković, producer Milena Trobozić Garfield, and the film's co-producers from Germany and Sweden attended the post-screening news conference, to be greeted with applause from reporters.

This was the first time that a Serbian film was competing for the top prize in Locarno, one of the world's oldest film festivals.

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