Serbian Patriarch Porfirije is surprised, worried and regrets Krivokapic's decision

Serbian Orthodox Church made a statement regarding the meeting between Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic and Patriarch Porfirije on Thursday.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.05.2021.


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije is surprised, worried and regrets Krivokapic's decision
Foto: EPA-EFE/Andrej Cukic

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije is surprised, worried and regrets Krivokapic's decision

According to the statement, the topic of conversation was the Basic Agreement between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Government of Montenegro. The meeting was also attended by Metropolitan Chrysostom of Dabar-Bosnia, Bishop Jovan of Šumadija and Bishop Joanikije of the eparchy of Budimlja-Nikšić.

"In the morning of the same day, representatives of the Holy Synod of Bishops and the Government of the Republic of Montenegro fully agreed on the text of the Basic Agreement between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the state of Montenegro. Representatives of the Government of Podgorica then confirmed that Mr. Krivokapić will arrive to Belgrade in the afternoon to solemnly sign the Basic Agreement with His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije.

After several hours of delay and informing the head of the Serbian Church about a number of completely different reasons for the delay in departure from Podgorica, Krivokapić arrived at the agreed meeting at around 9 p.m. The Prime Minister of the Government in Podgorica presented new and so far unspoken reasons why he believes that the signing of the Agreement must be postponed", the statement reads.

The Serbian Orthodox Church issued a statement after the meeting, stating that the Patriarch "patiently listened to the new reasons and was surprised and did not see any reason or justification for Prime Minister Krivokapic’s intention not to sign the Agreement, which was the only reason for his arrival at the Patriarchal Palace in Belgrade".

"His Holiness and the bishops expressed concern for the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its faithful as the only church that did has not signed an agreement to guarantee its legal position, which is an act of open discrimination. The SPC and its faithful will not give up on the defense of its rights and holy sites", the statement said.

In the meantime, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Zdravko Krivokapić, also issued a statement.

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