Bulgaria to refer to Macedonia as FRYOM during EU presidency

Bulgaria will be referring to Macedonia as FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) during Sofia's six-month EU presidency.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 08.01.2018.


Bulgaria to refer to Macedonia as FRYOM during EU presidency

Bulgaria to refer to Macedonia as FRYOM during EU presidency

The report said the statement was made by Bulgaria's Ambassador in Brussels Dimitar Chanchev, who explained this was his country's obligation "despite relations between the two neighboring countries improving, including a joint session of their governments."

"Although Bulgaria has recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name (the Republic of Macedonia), during the EU presidency it has an obligation to address Macedonia under the temporary reference FYROM," Chanchev is quoted as saying.

The EU, and the UN recognize the country as FYROM.

The decades-long dispute between Skopje and Athens - the reason why different terms are in use - could be solved by the middle of this year, Macedonia's PM Zoran Zaev said on Saturday.

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