"Serbs are not a genocidal, even if Pristina and Podgorica pass resolution every day"

"Will the Pristina authorities also say that the resolution is 'not' directed against the Serbian people? Or will they openly admit that it is?"

Izvor: Borba

Thursday, 08.07.2021.


Ilustracija: Shutterstock/smith371

"Serbs are not a genocidal, even if Pristina and Podgorica pass resolution every day"

"It seems to me that Albin Kurti has decided to at least be honest, not to hide his intentions and seek excuses," Democratic Front MP Milun Zogović said, as reported by "Borba".

"Only a few days ago, when we claimed that the resolution was directed against the Serbian people, and demanded that the Montenegrin Parliament not deal with this issue, they attacked us to falsify, subvert and convince us that it was an expression of good intentions. Today, Pristina confirmed that real intentions are good or someone will convince us again that the joint venture against our people is actually an act of good intentions and a sign of paying 'attention' ", stated Zogović.

He pointed out that the truth cannot be obscured, and that the real intentions have revealed themselves.

"No matter how hard you try, Serbs are not a genocidal people, even if Pristina and Podgorica, like everyone else, passed resolutions on a daily basis," Zogović said clearly.

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