Media: Kosovo police "hunt" Serbs and shoot at them

Kosovo police say that the units "in self-defense were forced to respond with firearms to the criminals, who retreated in an unknown direction."

Izvor: Kosovo online

Saturday, 10.12.2022.


Media: Kosovo police
Ilustracija, foto: EPA-EFE/ VALDRIN XHEMAJ

Media: Kosovo police "hunt" Serbs and shoot at them

Tonight, the Kosovo Police issued a statement in which it claims that "individuals from certain criminal groups who blocked several roads in the north of the country, from different locations, in three cases shot at police units that were on official duty near the Gazivode lake dam, on the way to the Brnjak Border Crossing".

Also, according to information from police units on the ground, shots were heard in several different locations. For now, there is no official information about the injured or possible damage, the Kosovo Police further stated, noting that it "remains committed to the implementation of legal duties and powers in the interest of maintaining public safety and constitutional order".

It should, however, be noted here that the Kosovo police, and its special formation, harassed two Serbs, Davor and Andrija Marković, for more than an hour this evening for no reason, near Gazivode, and that according to the testimony of these people, at the same time from armored vehicles at several minute intervals, the Kosovo police opened fire on the surrounding villages inhabited by Serbs.

There were no provocations by the Serbs, and it is not clear what made the police fire so many bullets towards the hills around Gazivode.

Also, Davor Marković, after severe harassment by the Pristina special forces at Gazivode, told Kosovo Online that the police questioned him about Serbs whose names are on a list, and who they are looking for in the villages in the Zubin Potok area.

This is a continuation of several months of police provocations and the use of unnecessary and excessive force against Serbs in the north of Kosovo. Today, Serbs took to certain highways as a sign of protest over the groundless arrest of Dejan Pantić in Jarinje and the announcement from Pristina that he was accused of "terrorism" without any reason.

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