"Belgrade and Pristina are to blame, not Mogherini"

Aleksandar Vucic has rejected <a href="https://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2018&mm=12&dd=11&nav_id=105733" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Ramush Haradinaj's claim</a> that EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is to blame for the current state of the dialogue.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 12.12.2018.


(Tanjug/AP, file)

"Belgrade and Pristina are to blame, not Mogherini"

"I don't think that Mogherini is someone who is in any way inclined towards Belgrade or Serbia. On the contrary. But it is certainly not her fault. For this us and Pristina can be to blame. Let them think well in Pristina who is to blame, who is the one who he wanted agreements, and who did not," said the president.

In his statement to the press, Vucic expressed his hope that "more understanding will come in the future and that Pristina will realize one cannot achieve anything by aggressive and unlawful measures."

"The EU was just there to offer its good service. Have we sometimes been under pressure from everything - we have, but you can always resist it. In the end it all depends on Belgrade and Pristina. We don't have such a personal stance toward Mogherini, her team and work. We thank them for spending time and attaching importance to our discussions," he said.

Vucic also said that it was very important that for the first time, the United Arab Emirates did not support Kosovo's membership bid in Interpol.

"That was terribly important news. You have no idea how terribly important news that was in the whole region, in the Arab world. Not to mention how many countries are tied to them, and they were one of the strongest supporters, because of the good connections and associates that Atifete Jahjaga had at one time. We have been fighting here for years and in an important battle we managed to overcome," the president stressed.

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