Council for National Security to meet over Pristina's moves

President Tomislav Nikolic will call for Monday, March 13, a session of the Council for National Security.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 10.03.2017.


Council for National Security to meet over Pristina's moves
(Tanjug, file)

Council for National Security to meet over Pristina's moves

Nikolic will also call the session due to the Pristina administration's evident resolve to, illegally and in spite of opposition from the international community, proceed with the establishment of a so-called Kosovo army, whereby regional peace and stability are undermined deliberately and consciously, the statement, quoted by Tanjug, said.

"The policy of the president and the government of the Republic of Serbia in the past five years was aimed at ensuring peace and stability as the basic preconditions for further progress and development of our country. The president of the Republic has decided to convene a session of the Council for National Security, to consider all the options to preserve these values in the best possible way, under the new circumstances," said the statement.

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