"No doubt, he will be arrested if..."

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt said that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci will be arrested if the indictment against him is confirmed

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 26.06.2020.


Foto: EPA-EFE Petrit Prenaj

"No doubt, he will be arrested if..."

In a statement for GZERO Media, he estimated that, if there is a trial, witness protection will be "quite a problem", Kosovo online reported last night.

1"If the indictment, which is published, is confirmed, then he will face arrest. And he will have to go to The Hague and face a long and complicated trial where witness protection will be quite a problem. It will take several years. And without a doubt, this will upset Kosovo's policy", Bildt said.

A spokesman for the Special Prosecutor's Office in The Hague, Christopher Bennett, said that the Prosecutor's Office had filed a ten-count indictment with the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) accusing Hashim Thaci and President of the Democratic Party of Kosovo Kadri Veseli and others of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, forced disappearance of persons, persecution and torture. 

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