Tension in Velika Hoča; Petković: "ROSU is coming"; Suicide threat

Armed members of the Kosovo police came to the family house of Srdjan Petrović in Velika Hoča with customs officers, in order to confiscate the wine.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 08.12.2022.


Tension in Velika Hoča; Petković:
Foto: B92

Tension in Velika Hoča; Petković: "ROSU is coming"; Suicide threat

Armed members of the Kosovo police came to the house of the family of Srđana Petrović in Velika Hoča with customs officers, in order to confiscate the wine. His son threatens suicide.

On this occasion, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, announced on his Twitter account today.

"The situation in Velika Hoča is still tense! I called the owner of the vineyard, Petrović, who informed me that in an hour, ROSU is coming with a tanker to seize 42.000 liters of wine! Kurti's police did not want a peaceful solution with the owner this morning. It is clear that Kurti wants incidents!", wrote Petkovic on Twitter.

Negotiations are ongoing between the owner Srdjan Petrović and members of the Customs and Police, reports Radio KiM.

A large number of citizens who oppose the confiscation of wine also gathered. They, as well as the owner, who is not otherwise registered with the Agency for Business Registers, are trying to prevent the confiscation of the wine.

Petrović is currently trying to reach an agreement with the customs officials and settle the debts so far, which, according to the estimate of the Customs, amount to 38.000 euros. The situation is tense, and Milan, Srdjan Petrović's son, threatens to kill himself. "I won't give it, this is mine, my house, my everything! I won't! I won't give it! Let the truck return, I swear, I will jump", threatens Milan from the roof of the house, while one of the locals tries to stop him, while his mother screams, Večernje novosti broadcasts.

"This is unheard of. They are harassing us for the second day because of our own wine. Even when a person commits a traffic violation, he pays the fine and continues driving, and this is pure survival. Not only my great-grandmother, but also the other residents of Velika Hoča are revolted, gathered around the vineyard, but there are also members of the Kosovo police with five police cars and three customs vans," said Petar Petković, director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

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