RIK released preliminary election results: It's known how Serbia voted

Tonight, the Republic Election Commission (RIK) announced preliminary results of the elections held on Sunday, April 3.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 05.04.2022.


RIK released preliminary election results: It's known how Serbia voted

RIK released preliminary election results: It's known how Serbia voted

RIK President, Vladimir Dimitrijević, addressed the citizens and stated that the election day was successfully conducted.

According to RIK data, a total of 6.268.496 million Serbian nationals are eligible to vote. It said that 3.675.064 people cast ballots with 109.294 invalid ballots.

The RIK said that the preliminary results based on 96.85 percent of the vote counted showed the following:

* Aleksandar Vucic Together We can Do Everything - 1.576.082 votes or 42,97 percent

* Ivica Dacic Prime Minister of Serbia - 421.697 votes or 11,57 percent

* Marinika Tepic - United for Serbia’s Victory - 497.797 votes or 13,57 percent

* Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians - Istvan Pastor - 58.714 votes or 1,67 percent

* Dr Vojislav Seselj - SRS - Serbian Radical Party - 79.674 votes or 2,17 percent

* Dr Milos Jovanovic – Hope for Serbia (NADA za Srbiju) - 197.536 votes or 5,39 percent

* Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski Serb Party Oathkeepers - 137.243 votes or 3,74 percent

* Mufti’s Legacy – Party of Justice and Reconciliation - Usama Zukorlic - 33.132 votes or 0,99 percent

* We Must (Moramo) - 169.812 votes or 4,63 percent

* Sovereignists (Suverenisti) - 83.375 votes or 2,27 percent

* Bosko Obradovic – Serbian Dveri Movement (Srpski pokret Dveri) - POKS - 140.597 votes or 3,83 percent

* Together for Vojvodina - Zajedno za Vojvodinu - 23.456 votes or 0,64 percent

* SDA (Party of Democratic Action) Sandzak - Dr Sulejman Ugljanin - 20.139 votes or 0,55 percent

* Boris Tadic - Let's go, people - Ajmo ljudi - 61.194 votes or 1,67 percent

* Alternative for Changes - 3.250 votes or 0,09 percent

* Coalition of Albanians of the Valley - 9.630 votes or 0,26 percent

* Kidnapped Babies Ana Pejić - 30.153 votes or 0,82 percent

* Roma Party Srdjan Sajn - 6.218 votes or 0,17 percent

* Russian Minority Alliance - Ruski manjinski savez - 9.156 votes or 0,25 percent

Preliminary results of the presidential elections

The Republic Election Commission (RIK) also announced the preliminary results of the presidential elections:

1. Aleksandar Vucic (SNS-SPS-SVM – Serbian Progressive Party – Socialist Party of Serbia – Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians) - 2.157.008 votes or 58,59 percent

2. Zdravko Ponos (Ujedinjena Srbija – United Serbia, an opposition coalition) - 674.567 votes or 18,32 percent

3. Dr Milos Jovanovic (NADA – Hope, a coalition of conservative/nationalist parties) - 219.970 votes or 5,97 percent.

4. Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski (Zavetnici – Oathkeepers, a far right/ultra-nationalist political party opposed to membership in the European Union and NATO) - 156.635 votes or 4,25 percent

5. Bosko Obradovic (Patriotski blok – Patriotic Block, a coalition of conservative/right/nationalist parties) - 161.212 votes or 4,38 percent

6. Prof. Dr Biljana Stojkovic (Moramo – We Must, a green political organization) - 117.784 votes or 3,20 percent

7. Branka Stamenkovic (Suverenisti – Sovereignists, a nationalist political organization) - 74.866 votes or 2,03 percent

8. Misa Vacic (Srpska desnica – Serbian Right a nationalist/right wing organization) - 32.074 votes or 0,87 percent

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