Serbia to give Slovenia Rome embassy

Slovenian PM Borut Pahor says an agreement had been reached with the Serbian government over the Serbia's embassy in Italy.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 03.11.2010.


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Slovenian PM Borut Pahor says an agreement had been reached with the Serbian government over the Serbia's embassy in Italy. Under the agreement, Serbia's embassy in Rome, in line with the 2006 agreement on succession in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, would be transferred to Slovenia in the fall of next year. Serbia to give Slovenia Rome embassy "Until now, Slovenia had sought to resolve this by the middle of the year and the Serbian side by the end of the year. Today [Nov. 2] we have reached an agreement that it will be by fall, as a compromise. The embassy in Rome will be in the hands of Slovenia in the fall," said Pahor at a joint press conference held in the Serbian government building following talks with Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic. Pahor specified that according to the 2006 agreement, the embassy in Rome belonged to Slovenia, but that the agreement had not been fulfilled until Nov. 2 "for financial reasons on the side of Belgrade." Asked to comment on President Boris Tadic's idea that Serbian and Slovenian diplomats could share diplomatic and consular branches in third countries, Pahor said that Slovenia did "not see a need for that." The opening of the largest zinc processing plant in the Balkans, worth EUR 21mn, in the town of Indjija on Nov. 2, was attended by the Slovenian and Serbian prime ministers. Pahor and Cvetkovic at the Slovenian embassy in Belgrade (Beta)

Serbia to give Slovenia Rome embassy

"Until now, Slovenia had sought to resolve this by the middle of the year and the Serbian side by the end of the year. Today [Nov. 2] we have reached an agreement that it will be by fall, as a compromise. The embassy in Rome will be in the hands of Slovenia in the fall," said Pahor at a joint press conference held in the Serbian government building following talks with Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković.

Pahor specified that according to the 2006 agreement, the embassy in Rome belonged to Slovenia, but that the agreement had not been fulfilled until Nov. 2 "for financial reasons on the side of Belgrade."

Asked to comment on President Boris Tadić's idea that Serbian and Slovenian diplomats could share diplomatic and consular branches in third countries, Pahor said that Slovenia did "not see a need for that."

The opening of the largest zinc processing plant in the Balkans, worth EUR 21mn, in the town of Inđija on Nov. 2, was attended by the Slovenian and Serbian prime ministers.

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