KFOR chief to become "ambassador of Kosovo"

Outgoing KFOR Commander Xavier de Marnhac says he will promote Kosovo in his new post in France.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 28.08.2008.


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Outgoing KFOR Commander Xavier de Marnhac says he will promote Kosovo in his new post in France. He says he will promote the province to as greater degree as possible. KFOR chief to become "ambassador of Kosovo" After a farewell meeting with Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu, de Marnhac thanked the Kosovo people for the support he enjoyed and for their hospitality. Sejdiu highly praised the contribution and role of the KFOR commander. “We’ve had excellent cooperation in this period with the aim of guaranteeing peace and stability for all Kosovo’s citizens,” said the president, adding that KFOR enjoyed great respect among the province’s population. De Marnhac also held a farewell meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci last night. The KFOR commander will hand over command of the peacekeeping forces in Kosovo to Italian General Giuseppe Emilio Gay at a ceremony on Friday. The handover of powers will be attended and led by the NATO Joint Force commander, U.S. Admiral Mark Fitzgerald. There are currently 16,000 KFOR troops stationed in Kosovo. De Marnhac, Sejdiu (FoNet)

KFOR chief to become "ambassador of Kosovo"

After a farewell meeting with Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu, de Marnhac thanked the Kosovo people for the support he enjoyed and for their hospitality.

Sejdiu highly praised the contribution and role of the KFOR commander.

“We’ve had excellent cooperation in this period with the aim of guaranteeing peace and stability for all Kosovo’s citizens,” said the president, adding that KFOR enjoyed great respect among the province’s population.

De Marnhac also held a farewell meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci last night.

The KFOR commander will hand over command of the peacekeeping forces in Kosovo to Italian General Giuseppe Emilio Gay at a ceremony on Friday.

The handover of powers will be attended and led by the NATO Joint Force commander, U.S. Admiral Mark Fitzgerald. There are currently 16,000 KFOR troops stationed in Kosovo.

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