Socialists, Democrats in official talks

The SPS-PUPS-JS coalition leaders have decided to suspend talks with the DSS-NS and Radicals (SRS), and begin talks with the Democrats-led five party coalition.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 21.06.2008.


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The SPS-PUPS-JS coalition leaders have decided to suspend talks with the DSS-NS and Radicals (SRS), and begin talks with the Democrats-led five party coalition. Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Associated Pensioners’ Party (PUPS) and United Serbia (JS) leaders Ivica Dacic, Jovan Krkobabic and Dragan Markovic will meet this evening with Democratic Party (DS) representatives, thus marking an official opening of coalition talks, B92 has learned earlier. Socialists, Democrats in official talks The Democrats (DS) have today confirmed that the meeting will take place at the party headquarters tonight in Belgrade. Beta news agency has unofficially learned that it has been agreed for Dacic to become deputy premier in charge of security – a portfolio which will at the same time be that of interior minister – while Krkobabic will be the second deputy PM. The SPS-PUPS-JS coalition looks set to get education and energy portfolios, while the next parliament speaker will also come from their ranks. G17 Plus leader Mladjan Dinkic has met with Tadic during the day, and will not attend the negotiations tonight, Beta says. G17 Plus, a member of the DS-led pre-election coalition, has been offered five ministries, the news agency adds. Earlier Sunday, Dacic confirmed for Tanjug that the talks with the Radicals and DSS-NS were over, and that options ahead include new elections, an agreement to form a government with the Democrats, or a cabinet that will not include the SPS-PUPS-JS. A poster of Zoran Djindjic at the entrance of the DS headquarters as the leaders of the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition arrive (Tanjug)

Socialists, Democrats in official talks

The Democrats (DS) have today confirmed that the meeting will take place at the party headquarters tonight in Belgrade.

Beta news agency has unofficially learned that it has been agreed for Dačić to become deputy premier in charge of security – a portfolio which will at the same time be that of interior minister – while Krkobabić will be the second deputy PM.

The SPS-PUPS-JS coalition looks set to get education and energy portfolios, while the next parliament speaker will also come from their ranks.

G17 Plus leader Mlađan Dinkić has met with Tadić during the day, and will not attend the negotiations tonight, Beta says. G17 Plus, a member of the DS-led pre-election coalition, has been offered five ministries, the news agency adds.

Earlier Sunday, Dačić confirmed for Tanjug that the talks with the Radicals and DSS-NS were over, and that options ahead include new elections, an agreement to form a government with the Democrats, or a cabinet that will not include the SPS-PUPS-JS.

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