Cabinet chief denies ties to crime boss

Interior Minister Ivica Dačić’s cabinet chief, Branko Lazarević, has denied that he had connections with <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Darko Šarić</a>.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 05.02.2010.


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Interior Minister Ivica Dacic’s cabinet chief, Branko Lazarevic, has denied that he had connections with Darko Saric. Saric is among a group of suspects believed to have been involved in smuggling tons of narcotics, and is currently at large. Cabinet chief denies ties to crime boss Belgrade daily Blic wrote that Nikola Dimitrijevic, Lazarevic’s brother-in-law, last year bought a farming company, that had Saric’s closest business associates – Zoran Copic and Andrija Krlovic – in its managing board. Lazarevic told B92 that the allegations in the report were not true, and that he would deny them in an answer to the daily. The Mitrosrem company, based in Sremska Mitrovica, was worth EUR 25mn, and Dimitrijevic bought is as the owner of DMT Relations. Lazarevic was co-owner of DTM until August 2007, the newspaper revealed. In 2008, he was appointed Dacic’s cabinet chief. About the same time, Copic and Krlovic began their business association with Saric, starting acquisitions of companies on his behalf throughout Serbia. The contract that saw DTM take over Mitrosrem was signed in June 2009, according to company data. In July, the Privatization Agency gave its approval, and the transaction was official.

Cabinet chief denies ties to crime boss

Belgrade daily Blic wrote that Nikola Dimitrijević, Lazarević’s brother-in-law, last year bought a farming company, that had Šarić’s closest business associates – Zoran Ćopić and Andrija Krlović – in its managing board.

Lazarević told B92 that the allegations in the report were not true, and that he would deny them in an answer to the daily.

The Mitrosrem company, based in Sremska Mitrovica, was worth EUR 25mn, and Dimitrijević bought is as the owner of DMT Relations.

Lazarević was co-owner of DTM until August 2007, the newspaper revealed. In 2008, he was appointed Dačić’s cabinet chief.

About the same time, Ćopić and Krlović began their business association with Šarić, starting acquisitions of companies on his behalf throughout Serbia.

The contract that saw DTM take over Mitrosrem was signed in June 2009, according to company data.

In July, the Privatization Agency gave its approval, and the transaction was official.

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