Macedonian Albanians “ready to fight for Kosovo”

Macedonia’s main Albanian opposition party official says thousands could fight for the independence of Kosovo.

Izvor: BIRN

Wednesday, 11.07.2007.


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Macedonian Albanians “ready to fight for Kosovo”

In a statement published in Dnevnik, Veliu gave similar comments but talked of ten thousand former fighters.

A senior source in the DUI presidency criticized Veliu’s remarks as “not serious,” adding that they were “unnecessarily raising tensions.”

“After a serious warning in February, Veliu is again playing with his status in the party,” the source said.

“The DUI cannot pay a price for the adventurous statements of people who did not really even have a serious role in the NLA but were just tagging along,” the same official said.

In February, the Democratic Union for Integration distanced itself from Veliu after he led a group of Macedonian Albanians to attend a protest in Priština called by Kosovo’s radical nationalist movement, Vetevendosje.  

Veliu said the fighters from Macedonia would help the struggle against all those who are stopping Kosovo’s independence, “first of all Serbia and then all its allies.”

He said that if Kosovo’s final status was not resolved soon, “I can say with full responsibility that we are going to fight. This will not be a classic war with one AK47, this will be a wide war that will include all Albanians,” he went on.

However, a representative from Kosovo’s war veterans association said aid from Macedonia was totally unnecessary.

“We don’t need these 5,000 men from Macedonia, we have enough men of our own,” was his argument, according to BIRN.

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