Tadić on "wave" of crime, terrorism

President Boris Tadić stated that Serbia will face "a new wave of regional organized crime".

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 06.08.2009.


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President Boris Tadic stated that Serbia will face "a new wave of regional organized crime". "For the first time in our history we are facing trans-continental organized crime in the Western Balkans. Serbia, as this part of the Balkans' central country, requires an exceptionally prepared police system to face these challenges," he told the Serbian police (MUP) publication Police Today (Policija Danas). Tadic on "wave" of crime, terrorism Tadic said that police officers "have his support", and described Interior Minister Ivica Dacic's performance as "very good". He also stated that terrorism is one of the challenges faced by Serbia, "primarily extreme Albanian terrorism in the south of the country". "There is no doubt about it, terrorists are preparing in the triangle between our southern province of Kosovo and Metohija, northern Macedonia, and southern municipalities in the region of Presevo and Bujanovac," Tadic was quoted as saying. The president also appraised that terrorism in the south is linked to the political process of determining the future status of Kosovo. Tadic stressed that, apart from equipping police officers, caring about their standard of living, establishing a more strict court practice that will protect them, there must also be discipline within MUP's ranks so that there is no excessive use of force, "which happened in the past". "Without raising the credibility and rating of the police, there is no increase in the credibility of the state of Serbia," he said. A file photo of Tadic with MUP special units (Tanjug)

Tadić on "wave" of crime, terrorism

Tadić said that police officers "have his support", and described Interior Minister Ivica Dačić's performance as "very good".

He also stated that terrorism is one of the challenges faced by Serbia, "primarily extreme Albanian terrorism in the south of the country".

"There is no doubt about it, terrorists are preparing in the triangle between our southern province of Kosovo and Metohija, northern Macedonia, and southern municipalities in the region of Preševo and Bujanovac," Tadić was quoted as saying.

The president also appraised that terrorism in the south is linked to the political process of determining the future status of Kosovo.

Tadić stressed that, apart from equipping police officers, caring about their standard of living, establishing a more strict court practice that will protect them, there must also be discipline within MUP's ranks so that there is no excessive use of force, "which happened in the past".

"Without raising the credibility and rating of the police, there is no increase in the credibility of the state of Serbia," he said.

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