Albanians try to rob, then attack Serb returnees

Several ethnic Albanian groups repeatedly attacked with stones Serb returnees in the village of Žač, in the Istok municipality, late on Thursday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 16.09.2011.


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Several ethnic Albanian groups repeatedly attacked with stones Serb returnees in the village of Zac, in the Istok municipality, late on Thursday. Several local families took refuge in the house of Serb Nebojsa Drljevic, who told Tanjug that the Albanians stoned the Serbs and their houses after trying to steal their cows, which is why all the nearby Serb families sheltered in his house. Albanians try to rob, then attack Serb returnees He pointed out that they informed the police and KFOR patrols, but the stoning continued, and stopped only when another patrol of the Kosovo police arrived. Drljevic said that one of the Serbs suffered a serious leg injury, and added that the Kosovo police and KFOR patrols are now in Zac, but that nevertheless people are upset and worried about their security. The Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija told Tanjug in Belgrade that they cautioned several times about the constant attacks of ethnic Albanian extremists against the Serbs in Zac, and stressed that they called on EULEX and KFOR to finally take steps in order to protect the returnees.

Albanians try to rob, then attack Serb returnees

He pointed out that they informed the police and KFOR patrols, but the stoning continued, and stopped only when another patrol of the Kosovo police arrived.

Drljević said that one of the Serbs suffered a serious leg injury, and added that the Kosovo police and KFOR patrols are now in Žač, but that nevertheless people are upset and worried about their security.

The Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija told Tanjug in Belgrade that they cautioned several times about the constant attacks of ethnic Albanian extremists against the Serbs in Žač, and stressed that they called on EULEX and KFOR to finally take steps in order to protect the returnees.

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