Vucic: By fast track line, Belgrade-Nis route in an hour and 20 minutes

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced that it was decided today to build a high-speed railway Belgrade-Nis.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 27.07.2020.


Vucic: By fast track line, Belgrade-Nis route in an hour and 20 minutes
Foto: Printskrin/buducnostsrbijeav

Vucic: By fast track line, Belgrade-Nis route in an hour and 20 minutes

"Two hundred kilometers per hour, 204 kilometers total length of the railway. In an hour and 20 minutes from Belgrade to Nis by the end of 2023. Signing of the contract in the next three months," Vucic said in a video posted on the Buducnostsrbijeav profile on Instagram.

The other "fantastic news" for Serbia, as Vucic stated, pertains to 70 municipalities in central Serbia.

"We will sign a contract for the construction of factories for wastewater treatment, construction of sewer pipes. Kragujevac and Nis will be the first to sign those contracts," Vucic said.

He assessed that it was "great news - for a cleaner Serbia, for Serbia of the 21st century".

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