Opposition again throws tear gas in Kosovo assembly

The Kosovo assembly was unable to hold a meeting on Monday after tear gas was thrown once again by opposition members.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 30.11.2015.


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A previous tear gas incident in the Kosovo assembly, on Nov. 17 (Beta, file)

Opposition again throws tear gas in Kosovo assembly

Previously, the police did not allow opposition Self-Determination party MP Fisnik Isamaili to enter the hall. Plain clothes police officers escorted him toward "offices in the parliament building," reported the Beta agency, adding that when reporters asked "where he was going", Ismaili "did not respond."

Self-Determination assembly group leader Glauf Konjufca said that the opposition will not allow any sitting to be held "until signatures have been withdrawn from the agreement on the community of municipalities with a Serb majority, and from that on border demarcation with Montenegro."

Tanjug is reporting that following today's meeting of the leaders of the three opposition parties which oppose the implementation of the Brussels agreement, Self-Determination party leader Visar Imeri said that the opposition would continue the blockade.

He told Koha Ditore daily said that their protests would continue at today's meeting, but did not explain the manner and means that would be used.

"We will continue the blockade. The protest will continue today," Imeri said.

Self-Determination's Albin Kurti was arrested in Pristina over the weekend for firing tear gas in the assembly in the past.

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