Nikolic, Vucic confer twice on Sunday

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade two times on Sunday, Tanjug is reporting.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 30.11.2015.


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Nikolic, Vucic confer twice on Sunday

“The topic of the second meeting on Sunday was President Nikolic's participation in the UN climate change conference in Paris on Monday,” reads a statement issued by the government.

The president and the PM "again discussed the importance of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Belgrade, and reiterated the importance of unity of all state bodies in ensuring security of the citizens of Serbia."

After their first meeting on Sunday, a statement said that "in order to pave the way to Serbia's progress all state bodies need to act in a synchronized manner, adding that only strong Serbia can ensure prosperity to its citizens."

Nikolic and Vucic agreed to continue to act "completely coordinated in line with Serbia's interest and continue creating conditions for future success of the country," the government's press office said.

Nikolic "expressed concern over clear attempts at toppling the executive power, reads a statement issued by the president's office."

Nikolic called for "unity and determination in defending vital national interests and urged relevant institutions to deal with the ones who put their personal interests before the national ones."

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