Moscow clarifies who can enter Russia with Kosovo passport

Persons traveling with Kosovo passports can enter the Russian Federation only in special cases and in order to participate in sporting events.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 31.07.2015.


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Moscow clarifies who can enter Russia with Kosovo passport

Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in 2008 unilaterally declared independence - a move Serbia considers a violation of its territorial integrity, and which Russia also does not recognize.

On Friday, the embassy said that "passports of the so-called Republic of Kosovo" can only be used to travel to the Russian Federation to attend events under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee and international sports associations.

The embassy pointed out that, like a number of other countries that have not recognized the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, Russia issues visas in the form of special forms inserted into Kosovo-issued passports.

These passports are not stamped upon crossing the Russian border, the statement added.

The procedure corresponds with the treatment of Kosovo documents by Serbia, the Russian embassy noted, adding it has been introduced with the knowledge of the Serbian side, which was informed about it in a timely manner.

The embassy said that the Russian Federation's principled position on Kosovo, based on international law and UN Security Council Resolution 1244, remains unchanged.

"It is only possible to enter the territory of the Russian Federation with passports of the so-called Republic of Kosovo in cases based on the fulfillment of international obligations of the Russian Federation as a side-recipient of an event, which is organized through multilateral structures, whose member or participant is the so-called Republic of Kosovo," the embassy said.

It adds that persons carrying passports of the "Republic of Kosovo" are allowed to enter Russia for participation in sporting events held under the auspices of the relevant international sports associations.

"For other purposes, the procedure of entry of persons with Kosovo passports to the territory of Russia has not changed. Namely, their entry is not possible," the Russian embassy in Belgrade stressed in its statement.

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