Kosovo: Draft resolution on genocide submitted to assembly

The head of the parliamentary group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo has submitted a resolution on "genocide during the war in Kosovo."

Izvor: B92

Friday, 31.07.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

Kosovo: Draft resolution on genocide submitted to assembly

The resolution, tabled by Donika Kada Bujupi, was proposed during a meeting of the Assembly Presidency and received the support of other parliamentary groups.

Kada Bujupi is demanding that this resolution be the first item on the agenda of the Kosovo Assembly.

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is led by Ramush Haradinaj, is the third strongest party in Kosovo and has nine deputies in the assembly.

The Kosovo government on Friday adopted changes to constitutional amendments that will allow a special court and a special prosecution to be formed to deal with war crimes committed by the former KLA.

It has been stressed that fulfilling this obligation would "contribute to shedding light on the accusations, and will be of exceptional importance for Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integrations, and further strengthening of the strategic partnership with the U.S. and the EU."

The opposition believes that the amendments related to the court "should not be included in parliamentary procedure in any case" and said they would vote against.

It is expected that some deputies from the Democratic Party of Kosovo, who on June 29 voted against the formation of this court, will now vote in favor of the amendments.

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