Montenegro: School apologizes to anti-NATO teen

A teenager in Montenegro's town of Kotor whose photo published in the school paper was edited to remove an anti-NATO message has received an apology.

Izvor: Vijesti

Thursday, 28.05.2015.


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Montenegro: School apologizes to anti-NATO teen

"As a responsible person in a public institution, I apologized to the parents and the student for the shortcomings in the work of the editorial team of the school newspaper," Perovic said, and refused to offer any further comment.

The print on Jotic's t-shirt showed images of the destruction caused by NATO's 1999 air strikes campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, along the inscription, "We have not forgotten - NO TO NATO!"

Jotic, who is a final year student, said the paper's decision to edit his photograph in order to remove the message meant his human rights were violated - namely his right to free thought and expression.

When the case surfaced, Director Perovic said the editing was done because the school's statute bans student and teachers from any kind of political activity during the educational process.

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