OSCE media rep calls on Skopje to investigate threats

Dunja Mijatovic has called on Macedonia's authorities to immediately investigate the death threat against the NOVA TV editor Borjan Jovanovski and his family.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 23.04.2015.


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OSCE media rep calls on Skopje to investigate threats

“Acts like these acts have a clear chilling effect on free media and are not acceptable in a democratic society," she added.

The OSCE statement specified that "on April 21, a funeral wreath with a message 'Final Farewell' was placed in front of Jovanovski’s home in Skopje," and that the threat was reported to the police.

Mijatovic noted that the VMRO-DPMNE political party, the Journalists’ Plenum, Macedonian Institute for Media, the Agency for Audio and Audio-visual Media Services, and both journalists associations AJM and MAN condemned the incident.

“I call on the authorities to launch an immediate and thorough investigation. For many years Jovanovski has been exposed to threats and widespread criticism for his critical reporting. The authorities need to show that there can be no impunity for such acts, and they should start with fully investigate this death threat and bring perpetrators to justice," the OSCE official said.

The statement also said that on April 22, journalist Zoran Bojarovski received death threats via Facebook and reported the incident to the police, with an investigation launched.

Mijatovic "called on the government to reverse the trend of deteriorating media freedom in the country."

"The recent developments include conviction and subsequent release on parole of journalist Tomislav Kezarovski; the declaration of Jadranka Kostova as a secret services informant and the allegations of over 100 journalists being wiretapped," said the OSCE statement.

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