"State must do what it promised" - president

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said Tuesday that the major change in state functioning is the greatest achievement of the government in 2014.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 30.12.2014.


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"State must do what it promised" - president

The citizens elected the government of their choice (in early parliamentary elections in March 2014) and then rationally accepted the difficult measures aimed to pull the country out of the crisis, the president said.

The government must now keep its promise to the people - provide new investments and jobs, and focus all efforts on improving the standard of living, he added.

Nikolic specifically underlined the responsibility of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS), as this party enjoys the greatest trust of citizens and the necessary support in the parliament to bring about the political and economic change.

The current SNS-run government promised to put an end to the downfall and ensure the progress of the country during the term in office that was entrusted to it, said Nikolic and expressed his belief that the government will succeed in this task.

The fiscal consolidation measures of the government led by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic are very difficult and cause political conflicts between the government and the opposition, said Nikolic, stressing, however, that these conflicts do not affect the citizens but are resolved in the parliament.

"If the people are able to accept the harsh austerity measures, the government must focus all its efforts on securing them a better future," the Serbian president said.

The major change in state functioning would not have been possible without the absolute trust and understanding of the people, and this makes the responsibility of all those in power even greater, said Nikolic, stressing that this trust must not be betrayed.

He voiced his full support for the government and added that, as the president, he is trying to help it implement the necessary political and economic measures.

"I am certain that everybody feels that this is the turning point when things will start to get better in Serbia," said Nikolic.

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