Agrobanka shareholders continue to seek compensation

Shareholders of Agrobanka have warned that even two years after the collapse of the bank their property has not been returned.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.07.2014.


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Agrobanka shareholders continue to seek compensation

The shareholders stated that they continue to contact the governments of European countries, their parliaments, ambassadors accredited in Serbia and entrepreneurs across Europe and the world and warn them about the "extremely irresponsible behavior of the Serbian government toward domestic and foreign investors."

"We are also in contact with EU institutions - the European Parliament and the office of Mr. Martin Schulz, the European Commission and the office of Mr. Stefan Fule and inform of all our activities the EU delegation in Serbia headed by Mr. Michael Davenport," the statement said.

All these officials are asked that European values ​​that are based on the fundamental principles of the European Union are respected in Serbia, because such a crime, under the auspices of the government and politicians cannot be imagined in their immediate environment.

"From Italy, which will in the next six months chair the European Union, we also sought to raise the issue of the shareholders of Agrobanka through accession talks, about which, beside all Italian officials, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Federica Mogherini has also been informed ahead of her visit to Serbia, as well as Ambassador of Italy to Serbia Mr. Giuseppe Manzo," the shareholders said, and added they would continue their legal fight "against the state-financial-political-tycoon crime" until a final and fair compensation.

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