SNS presidency to discuss cabinet on April 5

The session of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) concerning the constitution of the future government will be held on Saturday, April 5, Tanjug said it learned.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 31.03.2014.


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SNS presidency to discuss cabinet on April 5

According to previous announcement by SNS Vice President Igor Mirović, the party leadership will discuss the potential partners with whom it may constitute the government.

According to him, the SNS, which won a convincing majority in the March 16 elections, will call on political parties to gather around its program.

SNS leader and future prime minister Aleksandar Vučić stated after the session that he is preparing the program of the new government and expects the talks to be open for all parties which managed to reach the census and are willing to conduct talks with the SNS.

"Halfway through"

SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić said on Monday that "life will get better for Serbian citizens halfway through the new government's four-year term, while unemployment will be reduced drastically."

"We will put maximum effort into fighting unemployment and we are preparing a series of laws that will help us create a better environment for investments," the future Serbian prime minister wrote in an article published in the SNS party newspaper Informator.

The duty of the SNS is to govern the country "in a serious, responsible and statesmanlike manner, but that will not be easy at all, and not everyone will be pleased with some decisions," Vučić wrote.

Serbia will continue on its European path, cooperate with everyone in East and West and strive to attract investments from friends all over the world, Vučić stressed.

Serbia will continue the fierce fight against crime and corruption, the evils that have prevented development and progress in the country, Vučić added.

The system based on ties among tycoons, criminals and politicians, which has ruled for years, stifling and destroying the economy, "will no longer be tolerated in Serbia."

"No one will ever be able to get rich at the expense of the state and the citizens," the SNS leader pointed out.

Vučić also pledged "to fight sincerely for the interests of the citizens and the fatherland."

"No one will be untouchable and everyone will be equal before the law, and the law will apply to everyone," he wrote.

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